Chapter Twelve.

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Harry POV:

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as Louis's eyes rolled back and his knees buckled from underneath him. I opened my mouth to try and say something but I felt frozen as his neck bent over the knife and I saw the amount of blood increase, but not by much. That's when it clicked. He hasn't eaten since I drank from him.


Adrian was quick to pull him by the hair and wrap his other hand around his waist to stable him. Thankfully the cut was not too deep to widen with the pull of his hair. Adrian was looking intently at the blood trickling down the span of his smooth neck and disappearing into his shirt. Anger and a little twinge of desperation kicked in. I did not like how he was looking at Louis or the fact that he seems adamant now to take Louis with him.

"Adrian. I am warning you, you don't want to start this kind of a mess." I calmly said.

He smirked without looking at me. The hand that was in Louis' hair softened its hold on it instead it held Louis head up by his cheek.

"Don't think I would mind, Harry." He said as his eyes moved from the blood to Louis's sleeping face. "I would gladly go to war for him." He said the last part with a smile as he turned to look me straight in the eyes.

I took a step, ready to take him forcefully if I had to, when I felt something sharp pressing on my back, the jacket I'm wearing preventing it from digging into my flesh.

"Make another move and it'll go deeper." Someone threatened me. I glanced back and was surprised when I saw that all of my crew were at a disadvantage. Some had even a gun pointing to their heads. I closed my eye in anger as I felt helpless in this situation.

Adrian seemed to be enthralled at the fact that I wasn't winning for once. He made eye contact with me as he licked the blood on Louis's neck. I wanted to move and I could feel my muscles twitching to do something, to hurt him.

He moaned and his eyes fluttered close. "He tastes like a woman. How is that possible?" Adrian said, amazement evident in his voice. As his eyes stared in happy surprise at the cut in Louis' neck.

I wanted to just run and snatch Louis away from him but I wouldn't be of much help when I'm bleeding from my back either. So I stood my place, burning with the hate and anger coursing through my veins. He nodded to one of the men and the man rushed to him. Without saying a word, Adrian handed Louis to him and waved him away. The man ran to the little bridge connecting their ship with mine. My eyes followed him till he disappeared behind one of the side doors on the ship. I looked back at Adrian, making sure he can see the death glare I was sending him. He smiled at me in amusement and turned around, I was expecting his crew to follow but they seemed to be trained to wait till their captain was in safe distance for them to move. It was a clever thing yet it annoyed me considering I was supposed to use the opportunity of him turning his back to kill him and be over with it.

It was back when I was one of the crew members when everyone started noticing the change in Adrian. He never was a hostile and violent man until wind of me wanting to kill the other leader reached him. He started saying vile things about me and the crew, he even attempted telling a human what we were, thank god people only laughed at him. He then tried to warn the captain but the captain was too full of himself and blind to consider the idea of one of his men trying to kill him; he actually became weary of Adrian himself. After the whole thing with the last captain was over with, I had to kick him out and everyone agreed but a couple of other men's left with him. I never heard anything about him from other pirates, I honestly thought he must've died, but there he is taking off with possibly the only person I've ever cared about their well-being since my family.

I waited for them to pull the bridge and sail a safe distance before I started yelling in frustration and stomped my way to my study, ignoring every man on the ship and the feeling of pity radiating off of them like waves on a turmoil sea.

I waited for them to pull the bridge and sail a safe distance before I started yelling in frustration and stomped my way to my study, ignoring every man on the ship and the feeling of pity radiating off of them like waves on a turmoil sea

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Adrian POV:

I held a smile on my face as I walked on my ship. I can not wait for Prince Louis to wake up and have my own privet fun with him. I did not expect him to be this good looking much less taste this good. It's a bit worrying that he tastes like a woman but I guess that must be the royal blood in him. I heard he has a sister in a different ship, I was willing to attack that one but decided to stop by and see my dear Harry. There happened the little change of plan when I heard Harry tell one of his crew members to protect Louis. Now that I think about it, I can take his sister too. It only seems fair to get the family back together, I would've taken the King too but he's all for Harry to do whatever he pleases with.

Harry has always been ranting and whining about how unfairly the King treated him and how he's what he is because of it. He's a little dramatic when it comes to his feelings, thank god I was able to get out of that ship instead of working under his control. I sighed as I took my white studded gloves off and laid them on my desk. I still couldn't erase the smile from my face at the fact that I actually defeated Harry, well, not entirely but somewhat close to it. I wouldn't have enjoyed it if I did it right away or allowed one of my men to kill him, I would like to do it on my own time and with my own hands, no one else's.

I pulled my chair back and sat down. Lowell, one of my faithful men, came into the room. I waited for him to inform me of whatever he has. I do not like to waste my words on simple things if I were to talk it has to be important and very much needed. He smiled, showing off his black teeth and the fallen ones.

"He's in the room you prepared for his sister. We didn't wish to put him in the one that had the men because as you know, it won't be safe for him in his condition. I can put him in there if you wish to do so, sir." He rambled as his smile faltered.

I nodded, "very well. I would need him to be away from any filthy creatures in the other cell." I paused, "also have Matilda prepare some suitable food for him to feed once he wakes up, he's really lacking the important nourishment."

His smile quickly came back. He bowed his head and slowly backed out of the room. I could not wait for the fun to begin.


A/n: I wanted to get this part out of the way, the next chapter in going to be sometime around the next weekend or middle of the week, I'm not sure yet. Anyways, hope you liked this semi filler chapter next one will include Louis and a little warning....





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