Chapter Forty Three.

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

Harry and Edward pulled away from each other. Edward seemed to be the carefree type, the opposite from Harry. There was a moment of silence when Edward broke it.

"Say, brother is it true that you hate drinking from humans?" Edward asked tentatively.

Harry played with his pointer finger as he answered, "yes, I do despise having to use humans as a means of getting by in our lives. I know we have no other choice but to drink from them since animal blood is not nutritious enough," he paused. "I wasn't always like this, you know. These thoughts are fairly new, well, they seemed to spring out when I first drank from Louis." He chuckled nervously.

Harry was looking at Edward while he was saying the last half of his answer and was confused at the scowl that appeared on his face at the mention of Louis' name. Harry did not want to know the reason behind that scowl so he addressed another question, one that he can't believe that he forgot.

"I heard from Wilson how you created those vampire killing bullets," said Harry. A sudden shift in the mood covered the room as Edward fidgeted in his seat.

He cleared his throat as he looked anywhere but Harry. "You can't run away from the question, Edward. What exactly happened back then, did you really hate being a vampire that much? I understand it's a tough life but do you understand the number of problems it created!"

Edward turned to glare at his brother, "you think I didn't realize that when I fired the first bullet? You think I didn't fight to stop Wilson from obtaining them till he and his stupid committee decided to accuse my sanity and lock me up in that wretched place!" He snapped. "He created all these fabrications against me wanting to get rid of our race when it was the opposite! I wanted to make more, yes I hated it at first and god the awful job I did with my first meal was just sickening, but I adjusted to it and my feelings are as hard as steel. I managed to know how to shut down my mind when it comes to life and death and how are we supposed to handle it. The key is to not let it get to your head, many made the mistake of doing just that and became arrogant and thought they were Gods creating and killing whoever they saw fit. It was mayhem before I created the bullets, the older ones thought they were above everyone and were killing as they pleased, including Lestat. I was supposed to kill him actually," he chuckled.

Harry only blankly stared back and that made Edward go on, "we aren't gods and we aren't close to what a god is or should be. We are humans, we have a heart, we have a body and even a soul, those pagans who thought a man can be god were misguided and they didn't know what we now know. For all we know, they might have been worshipping vampire but that still doesn't make us gods. Now, I'm not preaching about heaven or hell but you'd be thick to not believe that there's a god out there that made us the way we are, that made humans the way they are. This whole place cannot be operating on its ow-" he cut himself off. "But then again I'm still avoiding the question." he chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head.

Taken. (Larry Stylinson + Vampire)Where stories live. Discover now