Chapter Thirty Six.

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, who died three years ago. If only you were a vampire and death couldn't touch you.

Harry POV:

I was holding Louis close to me, listening to the faint sound his heart produced. Holding my breath hoping the one I heard will not be the last one. His heartbeats were uneven in the few minutes I had to hold him, it worried me yet I was feeling peaceful and reassured by them, the sound meant that Louis is still human and still has a heart that works. I forgot what a heart beat sounds like and I never noticed that until now. I know I am an awfully sensitive vampire, I became a captain depending on brute force and actions that I forced myself to disconnect from. It always left me empty and craving something unknown to fill the hole in my soul.

Knowing Louis and having that short time to get to know him a little, I found that we both have gone through situations that changed us and the way we think. I would be lying if I said that I regret taking Louis, but I don't regret it at all. I sought out revenge in the most inhuman way befitting a vampire, but that wasn't the case in my heart. I wanted to prevent despair and angst to those who fell in my hands but it was easier to show acts of hate than to show acts of love. People, in this age, expect hateful actions because why would some random person show kindness or love to another that they've never seen; it did not make sense. Then again, it took nothing to act out of hate. Love suggests deep and caring feelings that not everyone is capable of showing, most of the time hate is easier than love. The way society puts roles on people is not helping either.

Women are expected to act delicately or to be a certain way for a man to be interested in her. Women's are put into a single box that has no holes and she has to abide by it or else she would be shunned by society. She has full freedom to show her love and feelings to anything, but men are prevented from doing so lest they defect their masculinity. Men control every single action women should make and that also puts a weight on men. Men have to appear strong or they would be ignored by their fellows. They can't express their feelings freely and often end up having bursts of violent acts that ruin them. It is not as bad as what women's have to go through, yet you can't ignore the mental and physical strain those standards put on both of them. Unfortunately, vampires have standards too. I'm looked down on because I still hold on to my past humanity even when I barely could remember what it was like to be one. I took refuge in the sea because I knew the land would be harsher and much worse than being surrounded by water and a few men that you know would never call you out on the way you act or feel.

It will never end, the cycle of social standards that force people into acting a certain way, knowing that there are no limits to how one can act. It is a sad thing and I refuse to participate in, even if that means I would be cast out and not wanted. If I have Louis by my side, then nothing else would matter.

I felt a melancholy smile spread on my lips. I have to be selfish and keep Louis by my side, I have the antidote to ensuring he never be touched by sickness or unexpected deaths. I can prevent my heartbreak and relieve Louis from his pain. I can not stand another minute of hearing a faint heart that would eventually fade away into silence, I have to do something.

I pull my head away from Louis' chest I took hold of his shoulder and began to shake him lightly. His eyes opened a little, dull and hold no light as he looked up at me.

"I need you to sit up a bit," I whisper to him.

Louis whimpered by obeyed as he pushed his back to rest on the headboard of the bed. I gulped as the anxiety coiled in my chest, my mind and heart and telling me that it's okay to do it but something in me is warning me that this is not a good idea. I ignore the latter.

"I want you to pay attention, Louis. They are starving you and will not offer food because they wish me to turn you into a vampire. I have no choice but to turn you, it's going to be painful at first but your body will recover once you feed," I softly explained as I pulled my sleeve back to reveal my wrist.

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