Chapter Forty One

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

Ishida sighed happily as he took out a silver box with ruby gems on it from his pocket. He opened it and took out a tobacco stick. Victor regarded him with cold eyes as he watched him light it up and relax into his seat. Smoke swirled around his head like a private cloud then evaporating into the air.

"I have been wanting to use this one for a special occasion but I think the news permits it," he airily commented.

Night has fallen during their talk, torches in the corner lit up the room and bathed it in a soft, orange glow. Victor was anxious to leave this place but the enormity of the words Wilson has said was still taking their time in being understood. Ishida took another drag of the smoke and exhaled the smoke out of his nose. He looked at the glowing tip of the stick and a faint smile appeared on his face, "isn't it nice not to be killed by these? We're inhaling time and it can't touch us no matter how much we would love to know it." He softly whispered, his eyes still glued to the burning tip. "Poor humans, these things will kill them yet they do not know about it, yet," he chuckled.

He turned to Victor, eyes glowing with mirth, "how are you taking that, dear Vic?"

Victor took a shaky breath as he looked down at the marble floor, but did not answer the question. A moment passed when Ishida stood up, buttoning his coat and signaled for the blood slave to follow him. Victor looked silently on as the boy glanced at him in confusion before following Ishida. Victor sighed heavily once they were out of the room, ignoring the heavy feeling that spread through his body at the sight of the boy leaving. Wilson was sipping on a cup filled with blood, Victor has one but it lays forgotten on the table by his chair. Wilson put down his cup and regarded Victor with slight annoyance.

"You seem to be taking the news a little too badly. I thought you did not want any harm to fall on the experiment? Or did a change of mind happens to be sold on the pet market?" Wilson coldly said.

Victor shook his head, "it's not that. Just something does not feel right with Lestat being in on Edward. There was a time where I would blindly trust him with whatever he says, but now, after everything, I'm not sure if I'm that blind to trust him when he's been contradicting himself ever since this whole thing started. I'm sure he has some hidden scheme going on in that old head of his," He voiced out his worries.

Wilson bit his bottom lip, one fang made an appearance then it was gone. "I do agree with you, Victor. I just do not have the power in me to doubt anymore. I've instilled doubt and confusion among enough people that it's becoming very tiresome for me. I might have the energy to doubt his motives in a few weeks or so. I know it might be very troublesome, considering the fact that no one has an idea on when will his scheme, if there ever is one, will start. But I honestly have no intention of questioning him or even talking to him without being reminded by the shame that hides behind a corner, waiting for me to glance at it just to pounce on me."

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