Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I stood in front of my opponent, watching and waiting for any sign of weakness. My gray eyes stared into my opponent's eyes, and I could see that he wes getting nervous. A smirk appeared in my face while the male faked a right kick to my side.

I swiftly moved to the right, blocking his foot and landing a hard kick onto his left leg before flipping him, using the punch that he would have hit my head if I had moved to the left.

My opponent fell to the ground and cussed out in pain. "Damn it, Anastasia," he groaned, clutching his leg and moving to his side. "That fucking hurts."

I bounced on the balls of my feet, having my hands close to my face. My brown bangs fell into my eyes, and I quickly moved it. "What? Getting old in your age, Old Man?" I asked, smirking.

The male, McAllister, groaned and glared at me with blue eyes that gave him the nickname "Blue" by my cousin. His dark brown hair was in a tight ponytail, and if it wasn't for his muscular look and the beard he had, he would've been called a girl. "I am so going to kill you now," he said, teasingly.

I bit back a scoff and jumped over the male that tried to grab my feet. I tumbled and groaned when Blue grabbed my feet because he knew what I was going to do. "Oh, this means war," I growled out, kicking him in the face before getting up. I didnt kick him as hard as I would've another person, not wanting to injure him too bad.

Blue stood up and spat some blood on the mat and wiped his lip. "I thought that this was all ready war, Princess," he said, holding his hands close to his face.

A shiver went down my spine when he called me the title that I could never have. Unlike my cousin, who had ran away to not marry an Alpha, I gave up my title because of jealousy.

Blue looked at me fondly, knowing what I was thinking. "My apologies, I-" He grunted when I slammed him against the ground.

"Apology accepted. Stop apologizing about it when you bring it up," I said, tightening my grip on his neck. I ignored the stinging pain in his claws, waiting for him to tap out. I knew my limit when it came to fighting, and I wasn't pushing it.

"Enough," a male said, power filling his voice. "I need to speak to both of you, so don't kill him, Anastasia."

Blue took that moment to tap out, causing me to let him go and helped the coughing male up to a standing position. "Damn it, Ans," he groaned, leaning against me. "You are still crazy."

I shrugged my shoulder and looked towards the male that had stopped us from continuing our fight. My hand was bleeding from where Blue had clawed it, but it was healing just fine. "My King," I said, bowing.

"Anastasia," he said, nodding his head in greeting. His green eyes, the same shade as my father and my cousin, stared at me with compassion and love. "How are you?" he asked.

"Fairly well," I replied. "And yourself?"

He sighed and moved a hand through his black hair. His eyes held bags underneath, and i knew that he was tired. Markus Steel has been living without his daughter and his mate for the last 13 years. "I have been better," he said, smiling. "In an hour or so, do you think that you two can meet me in my office? I want to go over some things with you both."

Both Blue and I looked at each before bowing. "Yes, Your Majesty," we chorused.

My uncle nodded his head. A small genuine smile appeared on his face, making the almost two hundred year old male look younger. "Good," he said. "I'll see you then." He nodded his head before leaving both of us alone.

"I wonder what he needs to talk about with us privately," Blue said. He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it, reassuringly.

I took a deep breath and sighed, letting it out. "I don't know, but I don't think I'll like it."


I raised an eyebrow when I saw Blue leaning against the wall waiting for me. "I'm not late. Am I?" I asked, confused as to why he would be waiting for me. I pulled my hair into a braid, not wanting my hair to look bad.

Blue shook his head. "No, I just thought I should walk with you and make sure you that didn't try and disappear." He winked and smirked.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. During my time here, I had earned the name of "Shadow" because I moved silently through the halls and "disappear" from crowded meetings.

Unlike my cousin's group, this group had over one thousand members with sector leaders for each. Each sector consisted of one hundred members and so forth. The sector that I was in held more than twenty people. When there was a meeting, I could never truly stay in a crowd for so long.

"You are in your thoughts again," Blue sung, causing me to scowl. He tried to rub my head but missed when I moved out of his reach. "What were you thinking about?"

"How you were nicknamed Blue," I replied, smirking at the scowling male. "Who knew that a two year old could make a nickname that sticks."

Blue shook his head and chuckled. "I didn't," he said, smiling fondly. "But, no one wanted to see her upset."

I nodded my head, my heart breaking for my cousin. I knew that she was still upset and hurt as to what had happened to her, and if I hadn't done what I had done, I would've killed whomever had made her upset.

"Where are you two going?" a male said behind me. "Going to find a closet to get dirty?"

I huffed, controlling my Wolf from attacking him. I grimaced from the pain, not liking the fact that it still hurts me to control my Wolf when she became angry. "Hello, Richard," I said, my voice filled with disgust as I turned to look at the twenty-nine year old male behind me.

He glared, his dark brown eyes filled with disgust and hatred he had for the both of us. His blonde hair had that 'I-just-fucked-someone-and-it-was-good' appearance. The young Alpha smelled like sex, and I pitied whomever was stuck as his mate. "You should respect me, Mutt," he growled.

I raised an eyebrow and stood taller. My body shook, but I curbed my anger enough not to shift into Wolf form. "Respect is earned, and you did not earn my respect. Where McAllister and I are going is not something you need to worry about."

"I am-"

"You are not the King's Ambassador, nor is successor," I interrupted him. "The King's daughter-"

"Who is-"

"-is his successor. She is still alive but is hiding from you." I moved closer to him and got into his face. My eyes flashed to the red color that they had adapted in my Wolf. "Be glad that she ordered me to not go after you. If she didn't, you would be buried in ground before you can beg for mercy." My voice turned lower, only letting him hear what I had to say. I had no idea how much Blue knew about what happened, but I did know that she would tell him if she felt like it.

Richard eyes flickered from fear to anger. He tried to ignore the silent command before he finally submitted. "My apologies, Princess," he said. "I did not know I was dealing with an asshole." He paled when I growled out a warning, and his Adam's Apple bobbed in his throat. "Um... I am just going to leave now." He bowed again before running away.

Blue, quickly, grabbed hold of me and pulled me into his arms, giving me the comfort that I needed. "I think we are going to have to train again after this meeting, aren't we?" he asked, kissing the top of my head.

I squeezed him and closed my eyes, trying to control my Wolf. "We are."  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now