Chapter 8 (Edited)

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I walked downstairs after I had taken a shower and wasn't surprised to see my mate in the living room. I was surprised, however, to see a little girl beside him. Guilt gnawed at my heart, because I knew that this little girl was Avery, and she looked exactly like the pictures I had of my sister when she was younger.

Michael cleared his throat, causing me to look over at him. Relief filled his eyes, and I could tell that he was happy that I was alive. A pretty brunette sat next to him, and I could see that she was curious about me. Michael nudged her when she let out a soft growl, causing me to frown. "I see that you are awake," he said, commenting what Carter wanted to say.

I didn't reply while I looked to see where Blue was munching on some cookies and Karen was scowling out him. "Were those for me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Anastasia," Michael growled out, mimicking Carter's growl. He scrunched his face up, and I knew that he hated growling at me.

Blue paused in his eating and looked at me with wide eyes. "Umm..." he said with a mouthful of cookies. His whole body was tense, and I knew that he thought I was going to attack, because he knew how much I loved cookies.

I shook my head and walked over to him before sitting down next to him. "I'm not hungry, anyways," I said, causing the older male to relax slightly before looking at me with worry. He knew that if I wasn't hungry, then something was a bit wrong.

I grabbed Alpha Carter's hand when I sensed him trying to slap me and brought him down to his knees. I glared at the male before for me and ignored the shocked look that he was giving me. "Didn't your mother tell you not to hit a woman?" I asked in disgust, ignoring the sparks.

Carter growled and tried to pull his hand out of my grasp. Hatred filled his eyes, and I knew that he didn't like the sparks either.

"Didn't your mother tell you to respect an Alpha?" Michael asked.

"She taught me how to respect someone, not an asswipe of an Alpha," I relied, causing Blue to growl a soft warning at me. I let go of Carter's hand and sat down again, leaning against Blue, seeking comfort.

"Did you lose your mommy too?" Avery asked. She walked over and placed a hand on her father's shoulder to stop him from slapping me, again. Curiosity shined in her eyes as she studied me, and I could tell that she knew who I was.

I nodded my head, grimly. "I did," I replied.

"Did you lose them to the confused female?"

I nodded. "I did." I looked at my hands to see that they were shaking before placing them underneath my legs. Carter didn't need to know that I was shaking from the guilt and sadness that I felt. She lost her mom because of me, and she wasn't even trying anything.

Avery scoffed and rolled her eyes when her dad growl. "She is too confused," she said. "Have you met her?" She pursed her lip when he retorted something back. "I am not going to talk through the link. I am happy talking like this." Again, she rolled her eyes. "So? It's not my fault that you don't want her to hear what you have to say."

'So much like you,' Blue said, taking a sip of the milk beside him. 'You had such an attitude when you were her age." He snorted when I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 'Same scoff too!'

"Then, why don't you leave? I want to talk to Anastasia." She pouted. "Please, Daddy? Uncle Michael and Aunt Clarissa will watch out for me."

Carter's gaze softened. Love shined in his eyes, and I could tell that he really loved his daughter. His gaze hardened when he felt my gaze on him and turned my way, glaring.

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now