Chapter 25 (Edited)

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I tightened the straps on my arms, nervous and anxious of what was going to happen in a little while. I took a deep breath and sighed, trying to relax as I waited for my cousin to tell us to move out. I was in my room, getting ready, not wanting to be with anyone at the moment.

Our sources had told us that they were less than an hour away, and they knew that we would be prepared for them. Our sources also told us that He wasn't with them, and that made me feel really anxious. He was our main target, and I hoped that He was done playing games and will actually come to fight.

Carter leaned against the door of the bedroom and watched as I get ready. He was dressed only black pants that the sector members wore because he was going to be shifting into his Wolf form, unlike me and other Associan members.

I looked down when I saw him smirk because I was checking him out, my face turning red. "I thought Jo was collecting me," I said, retightening my boots before making sure that the laces disappeared. I fiddled with the straps on my leg, not wanting to look at him.

"She is," he said, watching as I moved around the room and collecting weapons that I needed and placing them in easy access points. "I just finished with the stuff that I had to do."


"So, I came to see you and how you are holding up." He walked over to me and stood behind me, causing me to stop moving around the room. He pulled me flushed against him, and I melted, hating how I melted against him. "I want to take you away from here," he mumbled, kissing the back of my neck and causing the hairs to stand up at attention.

"You can't," I said, stepping out of his grasp. I took a deep shuddering breath, controlling the urge to just hump him where he stood. "I need to be there."

"I don't understand why."

"He won't appear if I am not here, fighting with our Queen," I replied. I grabbed another dagger and stuffed it underneath the arm protector. "He wants to claim me as his. Remember?"

Carter growled, possessively, causing me to flinch back away from him. His eyes were turning black as his wolf tried to take control. "You are mine," he growled out, his teeth lengthening. "Not his."

I bit my lip and looked down. I was still confused as to where Carter and I stood with each other. I knew that the Goddess had placed us as mates for a reason, but with the "verbal" abuse he had given me, I wasn't so sure what that reason was.

Then again, I was used to being verbally abused. I had no idea what to do when someone compliments me because it wasn't something normal for me.

Carter sighed and pulled me into his arms again. He turned me around and placed his thumb underneath my chin. Gently, he lifted my chin until I was staring into those brilliant brown eyes of his. "I know what I did was wrong," he said, softly. "I am not going to make any excuses for why I did what I did."

I stayed silent, studying. I knew of his past, thanking the Goddess that I was in a position to... "stalk" people.

Carter studied me as if he was asking for permission for something. He leaned down to kiss only to pull back when someone cleared their throat, interrupting something that I was sure I was going to regret.

Jo stood in the doorway, her eyebrow raised. Her face was an unreadable mask, but I could tell that she was unimpressed. She didn't want me with him, but she wasn't going to judge because she was with the man that had hurt her. However, he had been underneath a spell, unlike Carter. "It's time," she said, glancing at me. "Get into positions."

I nodded my head, feeling a small blush appear on my cheeks. I had no idea why because I was far older than a "blushing bride". "First arrows then swords and throwing knives?" I asked, causing Jo to nod her head. "Ok." I grabbed my bow and arrow and made it past both Carter and Jo, my heart pounding in my chest.

'Someone was about to get some,' Jo teased, causing the blush to turn a darker red and travel the base of my neck. She chuckled, and I could tell that she knew that I had been really wanting to kiss him and not to kiss him.

'Shut up.'

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now