Chapter 28 (Edited)

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I woke up a gasp and sat up in bed, causing the heart monitor to skip a beat. My whole body was tense as I waited for something to strike me or feel pain, both of which never happened.

After I finally got my breathing and heart under control, I looked around the room to see that I wasn't alone. I scowled at the smiling male and laid down, my head hurting.

"What?" the smiling man asked, good humor in his voice. "Why do you look like you are unhappy to see me?"

"Because He can find you and know how I am blocking the signal," I replied, coldly, closing my eyes "And, He could kill you."

There was movement on my bed, causing me to open my eyes and stare at the ever color changing eyes of the Dryad. His eyes were bright green right now, and I could tell that he was excited and happy. "He is dead, Anastasia," he said, softly. "Remember? The spell worked."

My whole world seemed to pause when he said that. "The spell worked?" I asked, causing him to nod his head. Anxiety and nervousness filled my body as I looked at the Dryad, trying to calm my pounding heart. "I'm free?"

The Dryad, Izen, shrugged his shoulder. "It depends on what you mean by free," he said, causing my heart to sink. "You are free from him. However... there is the discussion on what to do with you."

I sighed and leaned back, closing my eyes. I remembered the conversation that I had with him beforehand when he first told me how he could help. I knew that the toxins would have killed me if my body hadn't adapted nor if the Gods had favored me to live.

"They want a sacrifice," Izen said, causing me to open them again and look at him. "I had told them that you had sacrificed a lot already and had proved your worth. You are now immortal."

Immortality, the one thing that He had promised me, an immortal love that my mate wouldn't be able to provide me. He promised to keep me young and beautiful if I helped him and become one of his servants.

Werewolves were half immortal. They lived, and they died. They grew old at a slower rate than Humans, and the longest living Werewolf had been five thousand-years-old before he passed away.

If I stayed immortal, then that would be my curse. I would watch my family grow old and die while I lived. I would surpass my uncle and Blue, and... I didn't want it.

I wanted to grow old and die, but I knew that it wouldn't be possible because of the curse and drinking a Dryad's mixture. It caused the drinker to become immortal for a price, or a sacrifice.

"My immortality," I said, absentmindedly.

"Hmmm?" Isen asked, looking down at me. A small smirk was playing on his lips, and I knew that he had known that was what I would offer.

"My sacrifice is my immortality," I said, again. I looked at him, feeling tired and drained. I could feel my Wolf somewhat and I knew that I wouldn't be able to contact her unless all the toxins were out of my body. "I want to die, Isen."

He stayed silent and raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head, answering his unasked question. "Not right now. I haven't had the chance to live, to fall in love. I want to be happy, and I don't think I will be happy if I live to surpass everyone that means something to me."

"Even though your niece is an Anabi and will be able to live until another Anabi takes her place?"

I nodded. "I think living through two Anabies is enough. The first one didn't end well for her," I said, bitterly.

Izen sighed and nodded his head. He took my hand in his and squeezed. "She understood," he said. He cleared his throat and stood, taking his hand out of mine. "So, no to immortality, correct?"

I nodded my head. "Correct."

"Do you want me to do something to your mate?" he asked, causing me to shake my head.

"I am going to be going with my cousin to help out with the transitioning of the group. I think both of us needs to be away from each other for a bit to see where we stand."

Izen studied me, his face a mask. "You are afraid of hurting someone when you slowly start to have your Wolf appear. Correct?"

I nodded, staying silent.

"Well, I don't think you will have a problem. However, I'll keep an eye on you to make sure that you don't get too stressed. Deal?"

Relief flooded my system when I heard that and nodded my head. "Deal," I said.

Isen nodded his and smirked. "Well, let me get the antidote ready for you. It's going to taste horrible, but I think you'll manage."

I rolled my eyes. "The pills tasted horrible," I grumbled, causing him to beam. "But, I'll be fine."

Isen nodded his head. "Good luck," he said before disappearing.

I took a deep breath and sank into my pillow. I was exhausted and knew that I needed to get some more sleep before someone else barges into my room.

I wasn't surprised that no one was in here with me because I knew that Dryads had the ability to alter reality for a small matter of time.

I just hoped that my cousin was alright and awake. If not, then I would be by her side until she was.

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