Chapter 4 (Edited)

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The next day has passed by with a lot of preparing for this trip, making plan after plan to keep both the Pack an I safe if I lost control of my wolf, fighting both Blue and the boys because I was panicking, and packing, making sure that I had everything I needed.

By the time the evening had made it's appearance to the kingdom, I was exhausted and just ready to sleep. No nightmares had appeared that night about my past, and I was thankful for that. I needed some sleep to make sure that I would be ready for this.

"Hey, Titi, are you alright?" someone asked, causing me to lift my head and stare at Ethan who was looking at me with concern.

"Ya, you kind of zoned out the whole ride," Sam added.

"Which I think is a good thing because these nitwits kept singing 'The Wheels on the Bus go 'Round and 'Round'," Blue added in disgust.

I moved a hand through my hair and sighed. "Uh, ya, I am fine," I said. "I'm just..." I scrunched my brows together, not knowing how to put my feelings into words. I had never been able to do that, which was probably one of the reasons I had left the kingdom.

Blue reached up and squeezed my shoulder. He knew what I was thinking, even if I didn't say anything. He always knew how to read the mask I placed on my face, so I wasn't surprised when he knew what I was feeling. "It's alright, Ans," he soothed. "Do you know what your name is for them?" he asked, changing the subject.

I looked at the file that my uncle had given me of who I was and everything like that. I was grateful that he changed the subject, not wanting to put my feelings into words. "Anastasia Meyers," I said. "Age is eighteen, and I will be a Senior." I scowled, not wanting to go to school.

"Heeeeyyyyyy," Ethan and Sam said together. "You are younger than us."

"Technically, she is one hundred and nineteen," Blue said, smirking. "Then again, you still do look like you are eighteen." He glanced at me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"While Fox looks like she is twenty-one, and she is twenty-one," Ethan said.

"Then again, it is crowded in her head," Sam added. "And, I think that puts some stress on her.

"And... you all ready said that before," I said, rolling my eyes, but I couldn't help but agree with them. Fox, or Jo as I liked to call her, did look her age, unlike her father and I. I looked out the front window and sighed, seeing the Alpha and Beta standing outside. "Come on, it is time to get out of the vab and face the music."

"We got your back," Ethan said.

"If we don't, then Fox would kill us," Sam added.

I rolled my eyes at them but smiled. I was grateful for my cousin and owed her my life. Without her, I was sure that I would be dead.

Sam reached over and pulled me into a hug. "No matter what happens, you are still family," he promised. He pulled back, squeezed my hand. He studied my face, and I could tell that he knew that I was nervous. "Relax, you will be fine."

"And if I am not?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Some days, I can barely control my Wolf."

"Which is why the Pack Doctor all ready knows you and what you need," Blue said. He squeezed my shoulder. "Now, open that door and get out. We are making Alpha Carter upset by staying in."

I glanced out the window to see a scowling male in front of the van. My heart pounded in my chest, and I knew that if I hadn't taken the medication that my Pack Doctor had given me, my Wolf would've started to fight me and tried to take control. "Well, I don't think we should keep him waiting any longer," I said. I gestured for both Ethan and Sam to move and get out of the van before opening the other door on my side.

A masculine scent that smelt like the forest after it rained filled my senses. There was this pull that I felt and didn't understand.

"Ans?" Blue asked, shaking me from the feeling. "You all right?"

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. "Ya, I'm fine," I said. I hopped out of the van and moved out of Blue's way. I didn't trust myself to go over to the front by myself, wanting Blue there to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid. I could hear Sam and Ethan talk with the twenty-eight year old Alpha about something or another.

Blue jumped out and squeezed my shoulder, shutting the door. He studied me before he nodded his head. He knew that something was happening, and I couldn't help but frown confused. "It's nothing," he said. He placed his arm across my shoulder and lead me to the front of the van, ignoring the scowl I sent his way.

The forestry scent grew closer the closer we went to the front of the van. I had no idea what the scent meant, but I was addicted to it like I had been addicted to the power that I had when I was sort of younger.

"And, they are Anastasia Meyers and her uncle McAllister Meyers," Ethan said. "They are the ones that will be staying with you and help with whatever you need."

"We are grateful for the both of you," a male said. He turned to look at us, his brown eyes filled with wariness and relief. I could see that he didn't know if he could trust us or not, but I was sure that he would go with the trust. "My Alpha doesn't really speak that much."

"It is fine," Blue said. He patted my shoulder. "My neice can speak enough for the both of them." He grimaced when I elbowed him in the gut. "She speaks more sarcasm than anything else."

"Come now, tell me that you do not miss me talking," I said. "You have grown up with me, Uncle, I thought you would be used to it."

"I am," Blue replied. He gave me a look, telling me that he hated being called Uncle. "I just think sometimes you should stop with the sarcasm."

I rolled my eyes but didn't say a word. I glanced at the two men before me, and my heart stopped when I caught sight of the darkest brown eyes I have ever seen. Those eyes held so much grief and pain that all I wanted to do was take it away.

My Wolf shifted in my mind. She didn't try to take control or do anything like that, but the medication seemed to wear off a bit. Shock and relief filled her, causing me to feel her emotions. And, then she said one word that I had never thought I would hear.

'Mate,' she whispered.  

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