Chapter 21 (Edited)

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"Why in the hell did you not tell us that you were the princess?" Carmen asked, glaring at Jo. She placed one hand on her hip and pointed at me. Anger filled her eyes and her body, and I could tell that Esosa wanted to go over to her. "Or that she knew?"

"It was for her safety that we didn't," I said, causing Carmen to turn her steely gaze to me. I bit my lip and cleared my throat. "The people that had me wanted her, wanted her power."

It was an hour after the meeting with this pack, and I was at a meeting with my cousin and her group. There were things that needed to be said and discussed to get ready for whatever was coming our way.

"You should have told us, though," Esosa said. "I thought we weren't supposed to keep secrets from each other."

"Oh, so, you and Carmen aren't mates?" Jo asked, sarcastically. "Yes, Ans and I kind of figured out that you two were mates."

"Actually, it was me that figured it out," I said, causing her to give me an annoyed glance.

Carmen and Esosa looked each other. Carmen cleared her throat, her face turning slightly red. "I didn't want to leave the pack. I've... been in this group since I was fourteen and..." She shrugged. She hadn't been comfortable with any of the packs they had came into contact with.

"I know," Jo said. "Which is why I listened to Anastasia for once and get my dad to say that it was fine for you both to stay."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "For once," I muttered, causing her to give me a pointed look.

"That is why I made sure to keep you together and away from the actual fight," she added.

"Ya, and she made us go with her," Ethan said, causing Sam to nod his head.

"Why didn't you two tell us that you had known her for years?" Carmen asked.

"Queens orders. We were there for half of what she had to go through," Ethan said. Anger flashed through his eyes, and I could tell that he still wanted to beat some heads in. "The bullying was the worst."

Jo was staring at Gingie when he said that. "Don't let that stop you from getting to know him," she said. "He's changed."

"Even though, he is still an asshole to me." I rubbed my forehead and sighed, feeling tired. I knew that I needed sleep, but I wasn't able to.

Memories had been coming to me while I was sleeping, and the pull was starting to become annoying. I had no idea how long the pill would hold, but I knew that I was going to have to have a higher dosage to stop me from "accidentally" going there and being "reborn".

"So, you don't mind me not being a part of the group anymore?" Gingie asked. Hope filled her voice, and I was sure that she wanted to get to know her mate. "I mean, what if you need me?"

"It doesn't bother me," she said. "And..." She glanced at me, causing me to nod my head. "I think that it is time for me to find an apprentice to take my position."


They looked at each other. Surprise was on many of their faces except for Sam and Ethan. They didn't understand as to why she was wanting an apprentice even though she was the one that had done this.

"But, why?" Carmen asked, furrowing her brows. "I mean... this was something that you started."

"And, I have a duty to my people," Jo said. She gestured towards me. "She can't be queen because she had given up that position by swearing that she wouldn't try. Amd, my dad is getting older." She shrugged.

"My niece is too young, and I do not think that she wants to be queen," I added. I didn't say as to why she didn't want to be queen, but I had a feeling that it might have been for the same reason as to why my older sister didn't want to be.

"And, the position has to be filled by a Royal," Ethan said, causing Sam to nod his head.

"What about Ambassadors?" Carmen asked, looking at Blue. "Can you be king?"

Blue shook his head, smiling sadly. "I wish I could," he said. "Unfortunately, I am not a Royal, and I was not a high rank before becoming Anastasia's father's Ambassador."

"Then what will happen to us?" Carmen asked, causing Esosa to nod his head. "I don't really want to join a pack."

"The Associan group will still be here, but the Commander will be a different person," Jo said. "I don't know who the Commander will be or if my father wants to set the limit of members in the group higher." She didn't look at me, and I could tell that she was lying.

She had an idea who she wanted to be the leader, but he had a mate. And, I didn't think that he would like to lead a group that he had "tried" to destroy.

"Or, you can ask the King to be a part of the sectors," I said. "They are normally adding members."

"And, you already know how to fight, so that will make it so that you are in the top groups," Blue added, causing me to nod.

Carmen looked hesitant but nodded her head. "Ok," she said. "We'll think about what we want to do."

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