Chapter 15 (Edited)

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The first thing that I noticed when I came to was this aching sensation in my wrists as if there were these deep wounds that wouldn't heal properly. The second thing that I had noticed was this churning in my stomach and the urge to throw up. I groaned in pain before reaching for the safety lock that I knew about, to get myself off of the table before I threw up all over myself.

I freed my wrist, neck, head, and torso before I moved over to my side and threw up whatever was in my stomach, which wasn't much. A groan escaped my tight lips as I laid back down and panted, hating this feeling of weakness.

I had no idea how Blue and Karen were able to watch me struggle because I knew that they cared about me. I knew that they cared about what happens to me, even if it was something that my Wolf did or had done.

Speaking of my Wolf, i was surprised that she hadn't tried to break out of these bonds when she had full control of my body. I knew that she knew where the latch was, but I was sure that maybe, just maybe, they haven't killed one small part of my human logic from her. That was like a really small number, however, and I was too tired to think how small it was.

"State your name before I blow your head off," Blue growled out from wherever he was hiding, breaking me from my thoughts.

"'What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,'" I said, quoting Shakespeare with my eyes closer. I groaned, wanting to feel clean but too tired to move and get myself out of bed. "Get your butt in here and get me off these fucking wires. I hate that beeping noise." I shifted on butt before squishing my face together. "And do I have a pee tube up my ass again? It is really uncomfortable."

"Wait," Blue said to probably Karen. Hs voice wavered, and I could tell that he was glad that I was alive and maybe well.

"And where in the Goddess's name is food? I hope you have some on you." I paused and scrunched up my face. "And you better have done what I told you to do. I don't want to look on a calendar to see that the date has passed."

"Now, we can go in," Blue said. He opened up a loud gate and rushed towards me. He moved a hand through my hair and when I opened my eyes, I could see that he was trying not to cry. "Goddess, Ans, don't scare me like that," he whisperer, his voice cracking. "Today was the last day. If you didn't wake up, then we would have had to call Fox and have her shoot you."

I offered a small smile, feeling exhausted. "I always know how to make an entrance," I whispered closing my eyes. "Wake me up when I am back at the pack house. I would like to be clean please and have food in front of me."

Blue chuckled, still moving a hand through my hair. "As you wish, Princess," he whispered before putting kiss on my forehead.

"Give me three days rest before Fox, or anyone, comes in to see me," I whispered. "I don't want anyone to see me weak."


Three days have passed, and I was feeling much better than I had been. I was still exhausted, but that was kinda expected when your energy level seemed to disappear overnight.

The door to my room opened, breaking me from my thoughts. I smiled when I saw Avery and Michael but it turned into a frown when I saw Carter with them. "Please leave," I said with a small groan turning away from the three of them. "I don't want to deal with you making me feel like shit."

"Who are you talking about?" I heard Michael ask for him. "Clearly it isn't me."

"Clearly it is," I replied. "Surely it is because that is all you have been doing since I had gotten here."

"Maybe if you weren't so wea-"

I chuckled coldly, interrupting him. "If I was weak, then I would be dead," I said, closing my eyes. "I might be young and inexperienced, but I have done things that no Wolf should have had to do."

"Like..?" Michael asked for Carter.

"I would tell if I cared about you, but I do not care about you." My heart broke when I said that. I cared too fucking much about him, even though he treated me like shit. I kind of understood as to why he did it, because he was still caught up with the loss of his mate. He didn't know why he had gotten a second chance, and I wasn't sure as to why I had gotten one either.

I knew that one day the truth of my background would come out, and I was deathly afraid when that would happen. I knew that he would try to kill me, and I prayed to the Goddess everyday that my cousin doesn't get wind of it if he did.

"Good you are awake," Karen said, not letting Carter say anything. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a bulldozer ran over my whole body," I replied. I turned to look at her, opening and closing my eyes as I tried to stop a headache from appearing. "Followed by a dump truck."

Karen snorted. "That is one way to describe it," she said, looking at my records. "The swelling in your brain has died down tremendously. Your bones are healed, but you should probably stay on bedrest for the remainder of this week."

I groaned because I had the sudden urge to pee. "Can I at least move and use the bathroom please?"

"Why don't you get your boy toy to move you?" Michael asked for Carter. "I mean, it seems that you hang out with him more."

"Because her "boy toy" is not her "boy toy" but more like a father figure," Blue said, coming into the room, also. Anger filled his eyes, and I could tell that he was trying to hold back his Wolf. "And her "boy toy" is her Uncle, thank you very much." He growled. "Now, get out of the room before I throw you out the window."

Carter lifted his chin in defiance, but something in Blue's eyes caused him to shudder in fear. He glanced at me, and for a minute I could see guilt in his eyes before they hardened again. He growled before leaving, ignoring the fact that his daughter stayed in the room with me.

Blue watched as he left before he turned to look at me. He gave me a grim smile, and I could see the worry in his eyes. "Now, let's get you cleaned up before Fox shows up. She'd get pissed if we didn't."

I tried to smile, but I knew that it looked more like a grimace. I had no idea what she would do, and I hoped that she wouldn't be that mad at me for not telling her what was happening. Goddess knows what she would do.  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now