Chapter 2 (Edited)

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When I entered the office, I was tackled to the ground. A growl escaped my lips, as I shoved whomever had tackled me off and stood. My whole body was tense, but I didn't attack when I heard two familiar laughs.

"Hey, Titi," one of the people said. "I didn't know that you would be that annoyed from us tackling you after not seeing you for so long," the male teased.

I turned to look at the two men, lying on the ground at my feet. The scowl turned into a smile when I caught sight of the two men that I had known since my cousin was a little girl. "Samuel and Ethan, how are you two?"

"I am good," Ethan said. He moved a hand through his blonde hair, his brown eyes sparkling with mischievousness. "I can't wait to go on this vacation. Do you know the good news?"

I glanced at my uncle who was leaning against his desk. "What's the good news?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Jo found her mate," he replied.

"Does that mean..?"

"She will not have to mate with Richard, nor does she have to give up her position," Uncle Markus said. Relief filled his eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder how much he knew.

"Who is her mate?" Blue asked, glancing at me before looking at my uncle. He sat down at one of the seats and gestured for me to sit down as well.

"Lorcian Adolphos," he said.

"The second strongest pack's Alpha," Ethan said, sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, and I knew why he disliked him.

"First strongest pack's Alpha in my book," Sam said, causing both men to glare at each other. Sam, unlike Ethan, had hazel eyes and red, curly hair. He stood at 6'3 and like Ethan, he was muscular.

"Great Alpha to his pack not to Rogues," I said. "He is going to have a rough time with her."

"Especially since he blames her for the death of pack members," Sam said. He cleared his throat and blinked back his tears. Sadness and grief filled his eyes, and I knew that he was hurting for his best friend. "I don't want to see her break again," he said, honestly, his voice cracking.

"Even if she does, she wouldn't end up like me," I said, leaning back in the chair I was sitting on.

"Though it is crowded in her head," Ethan said, causing Sam to hum in agreement.

"So, why did you want to speak with me?" I asked, changing the subject and looked at my Uncle.

"Speaking of packs that need help," Uncle Markus said, moving to the other side of his desk. He sat down and looked through a folder before tossing it onto the table in front of me. "I think that this is the pack that will benefit from your help."

I glanced at Blue and then glanced at my uncle. Anxiety and panic filled my system, because I didn't even know how to be part of a pack. The fear of not being able to control my Wolf, if I got angry, gnawed at my system.

"Blue will be going with you to make sure that nothing happens," Uncle Markus assured me, causing me to nod my head.

"There are even some people from the Assossian group located there," Ethan said.

"And, we'll send a note to Fox to say that you are in a pack," Uncle Markus added. He gestured to the folder. "Go and check the file out. You two are dismissed and will be leaving in a day. Blue, will you send the note?"

Blue groaned but nodded his head. "Yes, Your Majesty. If she kills me, it is on your head."

Uncle Markus smirked. "Then don't die. Ethan and Sam will help Anna calm down from the anxiety and seeing Richard. You don't have to worry about her."

"Great," Ethan groaned, teasingly "We are going to die."

I smirked at him, letting my Wolf eyes flash. I wasn't going to kill them, because I knew that if I did, then Fox would kill me.

Ethan's face visibly paled while Sam tried not to laugh. "Uh ya... I am going to die."

Blue walked over to them and patted their shoulders. "Good luck," he said before leaving the room. He gave me a pointed look, causing me to grin innocently. A smile appeared on his face, and he shook his head.

"Well, I expect you to not kill Jo's top two members if you want to live," my uncle said. "Take the file and read before you do anything else."

I stood along with Ethan and Sam and bowed to him. "Of course, My King," I said, grabbing the file. With one last look at my uncle, I left the room with both Ethan and Sam following me.

"Can we eat first before we fight? I am hungry," Ethan asked.

"You are always hungry," Sam replied. "What is wrong with you?"


I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Boys.  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now