Chapter 14 (Edited)

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A/N: READ 'THEY CALL ME FOXY WITH THIS STORY'. READ 'THEY CALL ME FOXY' WITH THIS STORY. READ 'THEY CALL ME FOXY' WITH THIS STORY. They say that if I say it three times, then it might sink into people's brains. xD So, there are the three times. But seriously, read 'They Call Me Foxy' with this story. If you don't, then you will be confused.




I felt myself start to wake up from whatever I had been through and groaned, feeling as if I had been hit by a truck. My head felt as if someone took a sledgehammer and started to bang the hammer against it. I couldn't open my eyes, and I started to feel myself panic. My heart started to pound in my head, and I could hear this annoying ringing in my ears that made it so that no other sound could be heard.

A warm hand grabbed my shoulder, and I could hear the sound of a worried person. The touch brought comfort to me, and I was grateful for whoever was at my side while I tried to stop myself from panicking. However after the gentle hand squeezed my shoulder, the person removed it, causing me to whimper.

The person wiped my eyes before the comforted hand was placed, again, on my shoulder. The ringing in my ears stopped, and I was able to hear that it was Blue that had comforted me. HIs scent didn't fill my nostrils, and I couldn't help but wonder as to why not. "Try to open up your eyes, please," he said, his voice cracking.

I furrowed my brows and opened my eyes. I stared up at Blue and tried to smile to let him know that I was fine. However, it took too much for my body to handle, so I had to stop. 'How long was I out?' I asked, using the link.

'A week,' he replied. "Tell Michael that she is alive. If Carter asks him, then..." He glanced at me, waiting for me to decide what to tell my mate.

'Let him know. And, let Avery know, but I do not want to let her see me like this.'

Blue nodded his head, understanding why I didn't want Avery to see me all beat up. "Let Carter know as well as Avery. Ans doesn't want Avery to see her like this, so tell Michael not to let Avery come in here."

"I told Michael," another person in the room said. The person stepped up to where I could see that it was Katen. Both she and Blue looked rough, and I knew that it was because I was injured. I was sure that I was pretty beat up because Karen looked as if she was looking at a miracle that she didn't expect to happen. "You gave us quite a scare, Princess," she said.

'How bad?' I asked, linking her. I was grateful that I was in fact part of the Royal family, because I was able to link different pack members, and just not my "pack". It made working with others easier, even though it was sometimes harder to do something.

"Pretty bad," she replied. She looked at her clipboard, flipping it to the last few pages. "You broke almost all of your bones in your body. I am surprised that you aren't paralyzed or dead. There was internal bleeding, but we were able to stop it, thankfully."

'How long is recovery?' I asked, knowing that I did not have that long. I knew that I would have to join the fight with my cousin. I might not be able to kill the person that I had called "Master", but I knew that I would be able to weed him out of a crowd.

To him, I was the link to the whole Werewolf Kingdom, which was why he wanted me alive. He wanted the power to control all Wolves and kill those that did not want him to lead. He made me valuable, which, in the end, will cause him pain and suffering and, hopefully, death.

"About a year," she said. "Without..."

I scrunched my brows together and thought about the pros and cons. I knew that it would take long for my bones and body to heal without my Wolf. And, I was surprised that I had been able to survive a week with no help from my Wolf. I flicked my eyes to look at Blue to see that he was trying not to cry. Because he was trying not to cry, even though I would not have minded it, it lead me to believe that it had been a long and stressful process on him.

Blue studied me before looking at Karen. He knew what I was thinking, and I could see the debate in his eyes, the same debate that was going on in my mind. However, he, and I, knew that I needed to be the one that lead him out so that Jo could finally get her revenge. "Can she survive transport to the castle?" Blue asked.

Karen furrowed her brows and looked at her notes. After she was finished looking at the clipboard, she looked at both of us, calculating "Maybe," she said. "Wny?"

"She doesn't have a year," Blue said, nodding to me. "So, what if we let the Beast out?"

"Then there is a high possib-"

'Which is why I want to be at the kingdom,' I said, interrupting her. 'I have jurisdiction to call people from the Associan group. If we get a team of healers, and let my Uncle know what is going down, then we can probably get me to survive without me causing any casualties to others.'

"Should we tell Fox?" Blue asked. "If it doesn't work, then she is the one that will have to kill you." His voice wavered, and I knew that he did not want me to die. Hell, I didn't even want to die, not yet at least.

I furrowed my brows, debating on whether or not we should tell her what was going on. 'I don't think that would be a good idea...' I said, finally. 'He knows where she is at, and I think he might be close by or has someone watching her. That might be why I was hit in the first place.'

"She will want to come see you."

'She can come when I am awake and back at this pack. If they find out a way to take over the kingdom...'

Blue nodded and looked at Karen, understanding filling his eyes. He knew that if there was an attack on the kingdom, with the King not there, then it could lead to it's end. "Will she be able to survive transport?",he asked, again, trying to make sure that I would be able to survive.

Karen glanced at him before looking at me. Worry filled her eyes, and I could tell that she cared about me. And for that, I was grateful, because some days I couldn't help but wonder who actually cared about me. "Are you sure?" she asked.

I nodded the best I could.

"Then we will leave tonight. Let me make some arrangements, so that we do not lose you during transport." And with that, she left, trying not to cry.


I opened my eyes when I felt myself being jostled around. Fear and panic set in when I took a look around, to see that we were in the back of a van and going somewhere.

"Hey, you are fine," I heard Blue say, moving into my line of sight. He squeezed my shoulder, knowing that I needed some comfort. "We are on our way to the castle. Do you want us to proceed with getting the toxins out? Karen said that it could take a couple of hours."

'How long til we get to the kingdom?'

Blue shrugged. "'Bout an hour. We are using the roads that changes every so often."

I flicked my eyes as if to nod. I knew that my body might not take that long to get the toxins out, but I knew that it was better to start the process sooner than later. If my body started to heal now, then I should be able to help my cousin in any way needed. 'Make me immobile first and then proceed with getting the toxins out of my body,' I said. I paused and sighed, my heat sinking. 'If I do not get better in two weeks, then call Jo and tell her to kill me.'

Blue frowned but didn't comment. He nodded his head on understanding and looked at Karen, wherever she was. "Make sure she is immobile and then start the process." He moved to my side and sighed, running a hand through my hair. 'See you on the other side.'

I smirked as I felt something enter my body, starting the process. 'See you on the other side,' I whispered before everything went black.  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now