Chapter 7 (Edited)

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The party drug on, and I was getting more and more annoyed. My whole body was tense, and all I wanted to do was escape. I wanted to get away from all of these people, not wanting to harm anyone because of my anxious Wolf.

Unfortunately, Carter kept me in his sights while he danced and flirted with a redhead. He kept his eyes on me, and I knew that he was trying to get me to hate and reject him him.

I clenched my jaw and turned away from the scene, my heart breaking more into pieces. My whole body shook from nerves and as I tried to control my Wolf. A sadistic part of me just wanted to give full rein to my Wolf and let her destroy the redhead, but the sensible part told me that I wouldn't be able to control her afterwards.

"Come on," Blue said, low enough for me to hear. Worry filled his eyes, and I knew that he was nervous that I would loose control. "I don't want to shoot you."

"I'm close enough that you can just give the medication right now. You don't have to shoot me with a dart," I said through gritted teeth. I closed my eyes and tried to curb my Wolf's anger and jealous. "Lead me out of here and then do it."


"Please, Blue," I practically begged. "I need the sleep."

Blue huffed but nodded his head. "All right, let's go," he said. He grabbed my arm and took me away from the party. His grip tightened when I moved to try and get away from him. "Control her," he said, his voice authoritative. "We are almost there."

I nodded my head and tried to control my Wolf. I could feel my nails start to shift into claws and dig into my skin. A painful groan escaped my tight lips as my body tried to force me to shift.

Something pricked my skin, and I almost let out a sob of relief. My whole body relaxed as the drug went into my system and shut it down.

The last thing I remembered before I passed out was a soft kiss on my forehead. A smile appeared on my lips as I drifted into darkness.


My head pounded as if someone took a sledgehammer and started to swing it behind my eyes. A groan escaped my lips as I tried get myself to open my eyes.

"Easy, Ans," someone said, placing a hand on my arm. The person, Blue, squeezed my arm, reassuringly. "I had to give you another dosage an hour after the first one."

I grunted and succeeded into opening my eyes. I tried to sit up, only to be pushed down by Blue.

Blue chuckled when I glared at him. "Stay down a bit longer. I do not want to get another pair of shoes."

I didn't say a word but blinked annoyed before closing my eyes. I let the world around me stop spinning before I opened my eyes again.

Blue helped me sit up and handed me some painkillers and water. "You have been out for four days. I lied to Alpha Carter about why you haven't been in school and why you have left the party early."

I nodded my head and sighed as the fast working painkillers killed the pain in my head. "What about Michael?" I asked, being able to think clearly.

"I told him the truth, of course," Blue said. He shrugged his shoulder. "He'll be here in an hour."

I nodded and looked around and noticed that I wasn't in the room that Karen gave me for the time being. "Does she have an infirmary at her house?" I asked, confused about the whitewashed room that smelt like bleach.

"Yes," Karen said, coming into my hospital room. She looked at my file, flipping through some pages. "I find it better to have you in a house you feel sort of safe."

I nodded my head, grateful that she thought of what I would be comfortable with when I woke. Being in the pack hospital would've made me feel as if I was trapped, and I would've tried to escape. "Can I take this out?" I asked, holding up my arm with a needle sticking in it. "I don't think I need the fluids since I am awake.

"Sure," Karen said, waving dismissively. "You look to be having these attacks almost regularly. How many times did you have to have two or more shots?"

"About thirty," I said. I closed the drip and pulled the drip from ,y arm and rubbed the spot it was placed before taking off the heart monitor thing.

"And how many times have you been stabbed to control your Wolf?"

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I am saying that you shouldn't be alive. That is some toxic stuff in your bloodstream. And yet, you are still living. How come?"

"Uhhhh maybe because I am a Royal?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or the fact I did something stupid."

Karen pursed her lips and nodded. "Go take a shower and look presentable. The Alpha wants to see where you have been."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes "Now, he cares," I muttered. I pushed the blankets back and was too lazy to get out of the bed. "Blue?" I asked, pouting and holding my arms out. "Carry me?"

Blue scoffed and rolled his eyes. A grin was on his face, and he nodded his head. "Of course, Baby Princess," he said, coming over and picking me up.

"Googoo gaga," I said, sarcastically "sucking" my thumb. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, wanting to catch more of my sleep. Even though, I have been asleep for four days.

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