Chapter 29

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I woke up with something wet landing at the base where my neck meets my shoulder. I felt this pressure around me, but I didn't feel panicky at all. No, I felt happy, complete, and that lead me to believe that it was Carter in the bed with me.

I stayed still and kept my breathing steady. I didn't want to him to know that I was awake, not wanting him to leave like I knew he would.

"Daddy?" a soft voice asked, sleepily. "Are you crying?"

The crying stopped, and my mate moved away from me, causing me to frown. "Uh..." he cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. "No, why do you ask that?"

"You wiped your eyes," the soft voice said, plainly. The child, who I thought was Avery, walked over to her father and sat down beside him. "It's ok to cry."

He chuckled, coldly. "Your grandfather would beat me if he saw me crying."

"Well, he is dead," she replied, blatantly. "You don't have to be like him." She paused. "I mean, you didn't cry when Mommy was brought back dead."

Carter stayed silent. "I didn't hurt as bad as I do with Anastasia," he mused, talking to his daughter as if she was older than she was. "I honestly do not know why."

Someone moved next to me, and I could tell that it was Avery. She reached for my hand and squeezed it, indicating that she knew that I was awake but listening. "Mommy says that she wasn't really your true mate."

The air turned stiff when she said that, and I could tell that Carter was glaring at his daughter. "And how would you know," he said, his voice holding an edge that I did not like.

"She left me a letter," she replied, simply.

Softly, I squeezed her hand, warning her not to go into too much detail. I didn't know if Carter should know about what his mate and his daughter are, at least not yet. I knew that he was going to have to know, but the more that knew about her, the more in danger she could be in.

I knew that my sister didn't tell him in the letter. I didn't know how I knew that, but I just knew. And, if she did mention about what she was, then she probably had written it in code or made a couple of secret pages.

"And what did it say?" he asked. "And why did you not tell me?"

"Because Mommy asked me not to," she said. "She wanted me to know that her sister was in a bad place, and she needed help to stay sane. You have been making it difficult for her, especially verbally abusing her."

Carter growled but stayed silent.

"Did you know that her parents used to do that?"

"I became aware of it, yes," he replied, coldly. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, you told Michael that you didn't want to end up like them. However, you kind of had."


"With your mate. Grandpa did the same thing too, didn't he? He abused Grandma until she killed herself."

Carter growled a loud warning, causing Avery to flinch and back up more against me. "And how do you know that?" he asked, his voice going a shade darker.

"I-I-" Avery stuttered. She was afraid. Her heart started to pound faster, and I could feel her start to shake.

I groaned, causing Carter to turn towards me and furrowed my brows, pretending to wake up. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, waiting for my eyesight to go back to normal and not as blurry as everything looked.

"Anastasia?" Carter asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you awake?"

I grunted and closed my eyes as my head started to pound. My throat was really dry, and I felt like shit. I fucking hate you sometimes, Isen, I thought, and I could've sworn that I had heard him chuckle.

"Anastasia?" Carter asked again, this time louder.

"Gimme a moment," I croaked out. "My head hurts," I mumbled before I grunted when I felt Avery lay on top of me and placed an arm around her, hugging her tight. "I'm alive," I soothed, feeling her body start to shake as she cried.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely loud enough for me to hear. "I got so scared that he would hurt me."

I squeezed her, reassuring her that I would protect her before opening my eyes again. I shifted her gently to the side and stared at Carter, causing him to squirm. I had no idea why he squirmed, and I couldn't help but wonder if he knew that I was awake.

Carter cleared his throat and looked away from me. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Not that good," I replied, closing my eyes again. "Where is Blue?"

"I'll... go get him and Karen," he said. "Avery, stay here."

"Yes, Sir," she replied.

And with that, Carter left, taking the stiff feeling with him.

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now