Chapter 27- Tora's POV (Anastasia's Wolf POV in 3rd person)

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A/N: So, Idk how this chapter will turn out. It has been a while, and I have been struggling with it. Tell me what ya'll think. I will try to write They Call Me Foxy's chapter tomorrow, so ya. Peace.



She growled and flicked her ears to the back of her head as she watched her master fell.

Anger and relief filled her body, and she couldn't understand why her Human was so stupid. This bitch just killed their master, and she was going to pay.

Tora charged at the female, causing the female to jump out of her way. Tora snarled and twisted around before she rammed into this force field that blocked her from escaping, or... attacking someone else.

'No!' her human side exclaimed, trying to fight for control. The mental block between the two of them was strong, but for some reason, her human form was getting stronger. 'You will not kill our cousin.'

Tora snarled, her ears flattening against her head. She tried to block her human side from trying to take control, but she soon found out that the remaining bit of her human side wouldn't back down without a fight.

The female before Tora shifted into her fox form and answered Tora's growl with a growl of her own. Her ears were flat against her head, and her teeth were bared.

Power filled the female, causing Tora to back up a step in shock. She was a leader, a powerful figure, even Tora could feel that.

Tora shook her head and snarled before lunging at the powerful female. She wanted revenge, and she was going to get it, even if it meant killing herself to kill this female before her.

The female, Jo, as her human called her, jumped over her and caused Tora to move out of the way. She started to glow this goldish color, causing Tora to stop growling a small bit. Jo seemed to grow larger and larger until she towered over the female Wolf.

Tora flicked her ears back uncertainty filling her body as she felt her human form gain a bit more control. She shook her head before lunging again, this time being met in the middle by the glowing fox.

Pain filled both her body as Jo attacked with no remorse. Slowly, both her human side and her wolf side started to combine again, but still, it wasn't enough for her human form to take control.

All to soon, Jo had Tora on her back with her mouth across her throat. The whole area was tense and silent, as they waited for something to happen. Even the wind was still and tense, waiting for something, anything to happen.

Jo shifted into her Wolf form and clamped her jaws further onto the female's throat and growled. 'Submit,' she snarled, Tora hearing her for the first time in a long time. 'Now.'

Tora snarled and struggled. Her will to fight was weakening. She knew that she had been beaten and had betrayed her master. She could feel the spell that bound her to that master weakening, causing her human to push through and submit to the female above her.

Maybe just maybe, having her master killed was a good thing, but Tora didn't know for sure. Maybe one day, with the help of both her human and her new "master", she would understand that he was evil, and it was in her best interest not to be controlled but to work as a team.

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