Chapter 6 (Edited)

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I stood in front of the office that held my mate and rubbed my new mark. The mark had disappeared from seeing view, but I still rubbed the area, trying to get comfort from Michael.

"So, do you know what he is wanting you for?" Michael asked, looking at me. Worry filled his eyes, and I knew that he could feel my anxiety.

I shrugged my shoulder but knocked on the door. I had a feeling that he was wanting to reject me, even though I had no idea as to why. Was he still wrapped around my sister, even though it had been nine years since she had passed? "I don't know, and I do not think that I will like it," I replied, honestly.

Michael nodded his head before opening the door to the office. He gestured for me to go in before following me. After he closed the door, Michael went to his Alpha's side. He forced a smile on his face, trying to tell me that everything would be all right, but I knew that wasn't going to.

Carter didn't raise his head from where he was writing something. He knew that I was in the room, but he didn't care. All he cared about was what he was writing and not paying attention to-

Damn, I sounded like a jealous mate all ready. I wasn't even mated to him yet. Nor, did we both accept the bond that was between us.

Carter finished with what he was doing and looked to see that I was still standing there. A scowl was on his face while he gestured at one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"You can sit," Michael said, and I could tell that he was speaking for Carter. "I will not bite... the likes of you." He scowled at Carter but didn't say a word contradicting him.

I, hesitantly, sat in the seat before them. "And why will you not bite me?" I asked, glad that my voice didn't waver. "I thought you were-"

"My mate died because of some bitch," Michael said for Carter. He cleared his throat, and I could see that what he was about to say would pain him. "You are not my mate. Do not think that you are the Luna of this fucking pack, because you are not."

I clenched my jaw, hating how there was this stabbing feeling in my heart. I should've guessed that he didn't want me, because my sister had been "perfect", more perfect than I. "So, what are you trying to say?" I asked.

"I am saying for you to reject me, seeing that I do not talk," Michael said. He gritted his together and glared at his Alpha. I could tell that he didn't like the idea of me getting rejected as much as I didn't.

My heart skipped a beat, and I started to panic. I knew that if I did reject Carter, then not only would I loose my Wolf, I would probably start attacking everyone, again. However, I knew that this time, my cousin would probably have to kill me, because there would be no hope for me. I took a deep breath and got my heart to settle. "I don't think that would be a good idea, Alpha," I said. "If you want to reject me, you will have to mutter the words yourself."

Carter growled and slammed the table, standing. He stared at me, his eyes swirling around with anger. His whole body shook, and yet, he didn't try to lay a hand on me.

"Then I will make you reject me," Michael said for Carter. Panic filled his eyes as he looked at me. "I can break you."

I chuckled darkly and stood up. I got into Carter's face, not caring that I was challenging the Alpha. "How can you break something that is all ready broken?" I asked, my voice hard. "You can't." With that, I pulled away and stood tall. "Thank you for this lovely talk. I will see you two at the party." I nodded my head in goodbye and left, ignoring the slew of cussing that came from Michael's mouth.

My heart ached and my Wolf cried for the comfort of her mate. We wouldn't be getting it, but that didn't mean I would break further than I was all ready.

"Goddess, help me," I begged, looking at the ceiling. Two tears rolled down my face, and I decided that those would be the only tears I shed for him. No matter what he planned for me, I was not going to let him see me hurt.  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now