Chapter 17 (Edited)

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I lifted my head when I sensed someone behind me. I was leaning against the porch railing, up against Karen's wishes. My body called his, beckoning for him to come closer and to save me from this misery.

However, he didn't. He stayed where he was, watching me and probably waiting for me to turn around and acknowledge him.

I huffed and pursed my lips before I looked at my mate. I was in pain, but I made sure that he couldn't tell. He didn't need to know. "Karen panicked didn't she?"

Carter grunted and nodded his head. He watched as I hummed and looked away from him. He stayed behind me, my body fully aware as to where he was at.

My ear twitched a bit when he sighed and came to my side. I looked down when he nudged my elbow to see his phone out with a message.

'Why are you out here?' it said.

I bit back a scoff and watched as the sun started to set. "Because, I was getting restless of laying in bed," I replied. I took a deep breath and released it, blowing my bangs out of my face. "And, I couldn't see the setting sun from my room."

He nudged me again, causing me to look at the phone. 'That doesn't explain as to why you didn't tell Karen.'

I pursed my lips and shook my head. "She wouldn't have let me out," I replied, coldly. "Her... friend is very strict when it comes to me." I glanced at him to see that he was confused and shook my head. "Don't ask. It's very complicated."

Carter grunted and nodded his head. He was typing on his phone, and I couldn't help but watch him. He was so caught up toing up a message, that I was sure he didn't know that I was watching him.

I looked away when he caught me staring, my face turning red. I licked my lips and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

Carter nudged my arm, causing me to look at him before looking at the phone. 'What are you doing to me?'

I shrugged my shoulder, not knowing what he meant. I didn't reply but looked at the wooden post and ignored the growl that Carter sent my way. I tapped out 'I am sorry' and 'I love you' in Morse Code over and over again, missing my family even more.

Carter growled again and nudged me harder than before, causing a small, silent scream of pain to escape my lips. He knelt down beside me, worry filling his eyes. Fear flickered through them, and I was sure that he had a reason for acting like such an asshole.

"Leave me alone," I whispered, closing my eyes as pain washed through my body. I sensed two figures watching us and knew that they were friends.

Carter grunted in defiance. He moved a hand through my hair, being gentler than he had been before.

"Please," I whispered, not looking at him. I don't want you to see me like this. "Haven't you caused me enough pain? It will be best if you just leave me the hell alone."

Carter wanted to say something or do something but didn't. He frowned and nodded his head before leaving me alone.

I closed my eyes, a single tear falling from my eye. "Help me back to the room, Boys," I said, hoarsely.

Ethan and Sam stepped out of the shadows. They looked at each other before looking at me. Worry filled their eyes, and I knew that they were afraid for me.

"I got her," Sam said, picking me up like I was a little kid. "Rest now. We'll talk to you when you wake up."

Tiredly, I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I let myself fall into a deep sleep where even my nightmares couldn't reach me.


I woke up to my phone going for like the millionth time as well as two people whisper-yelling. This caused me to have a painful headache, and I knew that one of the reasons why was because I hadn't had my medication for Goddess knows how long. "Would you two just shut up for a fucking minute?" I growled out, causing those to stop. "And, can someone bring me my medication and a water?"

"We all ready got it," a male, Ethan, said. "Just open your eyes."

I did what he told me to do and sat up with the help of Sam. "Why are you two even here?" I asked, taking the pill from Ethan and stuffing it into my mouth. I chugged the water he had given me and felt my body relax some.

"Your Uncle wanted us to stay for a couple of days," Sam said.

"He thought you needed us," Ethan added

I shook my head. "I have dealt with this before. I am in good hands with Blue and Karen. You two are needed there, watching over Fox."

"That is what I told them," Karen said. She scowled at me, causing me to shrug. "And, I thought I told you to stay in bed."

I shrugged my shoulder, again. "I couldn't see the sunset," I said, honestly. "And, I wanted to see it." And I missed it because of Carter.

"Hmph," Karen replied.

"Hand me my phone," I said when I heard it ding again. I took it from Ethan and frowned when I saw more than a dozen phone calls and text messages from Jo and sent her one that said: Let it be.

"Are we going back?" Ethan asked.

"We can't. The King said for us to be here," Sam said.

"You two are going back. I know my Uncle and knew that he has not ordered you to come here. I will talk to him later."

Someone knocked on the door, causing the four of us to look that way. Michael stood at the door with Avery behind him. Warily, he looked at the two "random" men before looking at me. "Avery wanted to see you," he said. "She threatened to cut off my balls if I didn't take her to you."

Ethan and Sam snickered. "And the legacy will live on," Ethan said. "Wait til he hears about this."

I rolled my eyes at the two of them, a small amused smile on my face. I turned to look at Michael and Avery and nodded for them to come into the room. "Michael, Avery, they are Sam and Ethan. Sam and Ethan, my niece Avery and the Beta of the pack Michael."

"Oh, we know who they are," Ethan said, causing Michael to growl and back up, pushing Avery behind him. He held his hands in mock surrender. "We're a part of the service, so we have an unlimited array of knowledge," he added.

"We are also friends of the Royals," Sam added. "We are- were really good friends of the Princess."

"And, another friend needs you two back by her side before she blows up. Now, leave, both of you."

Ethan and Sam looked at me with mock horror. "But, he will have our hides," Ethan said, causing Sam to nod in agreement.

"I will have your hide if you two don't leave right now," I said. "Now, go." I narrowed my eyes at them, causing them both to skirt away.

Karen chuckled, causing me to look at the "older" female. "You couldn't have done anything," she said, giving me a warning look.

"Oh, they knew that I would anyways," I replied, shrugging my shoulder. And, I would.

I knew that Jo was worried about them because I knew that her father didn't tell her where they went. And, with my message to her, I knew that she knew I might know something.

Let's just hope she doesn't look for them. Because, I could tell someone was watching us.

We didn't have that much time left after all...

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