Chapter 10 (Edited)

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"You aren't going to be going to school," Blue said when I came down the next morning, muttering every cuss word I knew. He took a sip of his coffee and looked at me amused when I scowled. "That is not the reason as to why you are here in the first place."

"You are, also, late as it is," Karen said, placing a plate of food on the table before gesturing for me to sit and eat. She was tired, and I could tell that my cousin had something to make it so that she didn't sleep. Worry filled her eyes, and I could tell that she was worried for my health, and probably her head.

"What did she say?" I asked. My body tensed when I felt the pull that connected me with my mate. A small groan escaped my lips, and it was barely heard. I knew that Blue heard it because of the look that he was giving me.

Karen looked up at my mate before looking at me. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale, and I knew that she didn't know what to say. Her heart rate picked up, and that was a big sign to show that she was panicking.

"What did she say what?" Michael asked for the still silent male. He frowned, and I knew that he was curious as well. However, unlike Carter, he was curious about the real reason as to what "she" said.

I took a sip of my coffee and scrunched up my face, hating the fact that it was black. "Did you even try to tell her the way that I liked in my coffee?" I asked, the laughing male. I groaned and stood before walking over to where Karen had the coffee supplies.

"What are you wearing?" Michael asked after Carter growled possessively.

I looked down at the clothing that Blue had dared me to wear on the first day of school. Well, more like forced because he took all of my clothes and hid them somewhere while I was sleeping.

I pursed my lips in distaste. I was wearing high waisted shorts, that were thankfully in dress code. I was, also, wearing a loose shirt that rose a bit when I raised my arms, showing off my stomach.

"Shit," Blue cussed, causing me to stare at the older male. He turned his gaze away from me. "Damn it, Ans. Why did you pack that shit?"

"I didn't pack this shit," I said, glaring at the older male. "I don't even own these clothes."

"They are Cami's," he said, looking up. "Josh dared me to put Cami's clothes in your suitcase and take all your clothes on the first day of school."

"And, you dared me to put them on," I muttered, running a hand through my hair. I grimaced at the thought of two of the youngest sector members getting into my clothes. "Was it Cami and Josh or just Josh?"

"Just Josh."

"I don't care who it is. You are not looking like a-"

"I am not even going to school," I interrupted Michael, turning my gaze to look at Carter. I raised an eyebrow when he growled. "The person that Karen was talking about found my credits. She hates my guts so she decided to not send them to the other school. I am, actually, a graduate. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go find my clothes with my uncle. I all ready destroyed his and my room looking for them." With that, I moved over to Blue, grabbed his ear and pulled him up the stairs.

"Damn it, Ans, you don't need to pull."

"Shut the fuck up."


"How many times do I have to apologize for taking your clothes?" Blue asked, following me down the stairs. "Anastasia, you can't ignore me forever."

"So, what happened with Fox?" I asked Karen, walking into the kitchen. I nodded my head in greetings to her mate and looked at Michael who was drinking some coffee. "That is the "she" we were talking about."

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