Chapter 18 (Edited)

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I took a deep breath of the air around me, my body shaking from the hard workout that I had placed myself through. My brown bangs stuck to my forehead, and I didn't really like the feeling of it at all. "Goddess," I whispered, grabbing hold of a tree to steady myself. I took in another gulp of fresh air, trying to keep myself from passing out. "Why did I do this to me?"

"Because, you are stupid," a male said, causing me to jump up from my crouched position. The brown haired, brown eyed male bowed his head, submitting to me. "It's good to see you alive," he said. He moved his hand through his hair and licked his lips. "Trying to find you after that crash..." He shook his head and took a deep breath, pain flickering in his eyes.

My body relaxed as I took in the male that helped me save my cousin and then helped my cousin save me. I knew that he wasn't going to harm me and was grateful that I did have someone in the inside, even though he could give us limited information. "Justin," I said, nodding my head in greeting. "Why are you here?"

He cleared his throat and looked around, making sure that we were alone. His whole body was tense, and I could tell that he was nervous. "Can we..?" He gestured his hand around, and I knew that he wanted to talk in private.

I nodded my head and gestured for him to follow me. 'Blue, meet me at the tent,' I linked, talking about the tent that my uncle had set up as "security measures".

'On my way,' Blue said, not even questioning the reason as to why I had called him. 'You better have a good reason for being out and about. Karen still wants you to heal.'

'Unfortunately, i do not have time to heal,' I replied sarcastically. 'They are gaining more strength every day, and I need to push myself to be able to make sure that I am ready. She needs me more now than ever, Blue.'

Blue didn't say a word about that, but I could feel his annoyance. He didn't like that I was still going to be fighting, even though I hadn't had that long to heal. 'I will be at the tent soon,' he said, knowing that he wouldn't be able to change my mind.



"Why are you two here?" I asked, spying two members of my sector in the tent. I folded my arms across my chest, annoyed that my uncle would send someone to make sure that I was fine. "I thought I told my Uncle to send anyone."

"Well, considering that you just got into a huge accident caused by the group, the King said for us to be here," the male said. He looked up from his phone, and I could tell that he was just bored of doing nothing.

"I just wanted to get my clothes back," the female said, glaring at the male beside her that caused him to shrink back. She looked at the male beside me, curiously. "Who is he?"


"I am here. What did you need me for?" Blue asked, running in. He looked at Justin and growled, before pulling me closer to him. His whole body was tense, and I knew that he was trying to keep himself from attacking the other male. "Who the hell are you?" he asked, snarling.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, annoyed. "If you didn't grab me while I was talking, then I would be able to finish what I was going to say." I nudged him back and scowled at the older male. "Now, as I was saying, Cami, Josh, and Blue, this is Justin. Justin was the one that helped...get me out of the place."

"And, Foxy, I assume," Cami said. "Or, Princess Jo Anne." She raised an eyebrow when I gave her a weird look. "What?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders. "We are part of the smartest sector and the top of our group. Of course, I would know who else he helped." She pointed at Josh. "I don't know how this idiot is in our group.

"Hey," Josh said, scowling. "I am in this group, because I am smart."

"More like Cami is your mate, and you fought your way to it," I replied, blankly. "Anyways, can we get back to the matter at hand? He all ready knows that Justin is out and about. If he finds out that he has contacted me..." My face darkened, because I knew that he would kill Justin for conspiring against him.

"I can handle him," Justin said, but I could tell that he was hesitant. His whole body was tense, and I knew that he was wanting to leave, to go as far away as he could.

"I couldn't even handle him, Justin," I said. I looked away from him. There were some things that my cousin didn't know, some things that I never had talked about. I couldn't because it was still too fresh in my mind.

"Well, you didn't have anything to fight for," Justin said, frowning. He glanced me up and down, and I knew that he was wondering what I was hiding. "Me, I have my mate and baby to fight for. I want them to have a better future, a future that my parents didn't allow me to have."

I nodded my head. "He's planning something, isn't he?" I asked, changing the subject back to what we had to talk about.

Justin nodded his head. "I don't know what, but I think he is planning on attacking the pack that Foxy is at. I don't know when, but I know that they need to start planning for the attack."

I nodded my head and looked at Blue. My heart ached, because I knew that I was going to have to get this pack to help them. However, I knew that I needed to tell them the truth. They needed to know because I knew that if he got a hold of me, then he was going to murder every last bit of them. And, he was going to make me do it.

"It's time."

"But first, get me to Foxy."

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now