Chapter 13 (Edited)

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A/N:  DON'T FORGET TO READ 'THEY CALL ME FOXY' WITH THIS BOOK! If you do not, then you might get confused about stuff. The third to this book and the third for 'They Call Me Series' will be more closely related than these two.


I opened my eyes when I heard someone cussing at another person. My eyesight was foggy, and I couldn't hear anything except this ringing in my ears. I was laying in a ditch, a few feet away from the car, and I had no idea how I got over here because I was sure that I had placed my seatbelt on. I knew that both Blue and Jo would have my hide if I didn't.

"Where the fuck is she? We need her to defeat that stupid bitch!" a vaguely familiar voice snarled. There was a lot of banging, causing me to let out a small groan of pain, too quiet for them to hear.

"I don't know, Alpha. Jermone said that she was in the car when he hit her," another familiar voice said. Fear was in the voice, and I could sense that the person was really afraid of what their Alpha would do to them. However, there was this... anger that I was sure that the Alpha couldn't pick up, and it made me want to trust this person.

"Find her, Justin. This is your last chance. You have been a pain in my side for the last three years, and I know you are hiding something." The Alpha person probably got into this Justin's face and growled out in anger.

The ringing in my ears got louder while my eyesight got heavier. I did not know what else was said as I let myself again be succumbed to darkness.


"Anastasia!" someone yelled, pulling me back into the world of the living. Heavy footsteps started to go towards me but stopped. "Anastasia!" the person yelled again, the voice cracking. "It's, Blue! Where are you?"

I opened my eyes and closed them again as a wave of pain crashed over me. My whole body screamed in protest as I lifted my head to try and see wherever he was. "Blue?" I called, my voice barely above a whisper. I laid my head back down panting from the strain that it placed on my body.

"Sir, does she have a cloak or something like the Assossian group?" another voice I recognized asked. "I mean, this is one of their cars, and I am sure that the commander had it decked out."

"Check around the surrounding areas and not just near the car," Blue said after a moment's pause. "Those that have flashlights, shine them on the ground. If she is covered in what the Assossians use to disappear, then it should sparkle."

There was a chorus of 'yes, sir's before people started to search for me. Sometimes one of them would call out my name or say 'clear', letting others know that they did not find me.

"Come on, Ans," Blue said. He started to walk towards me again, but I did not know if he saw whatever was covering me. Worry filled his voice, and I could hear his voice cracking. "Please, show me a sign. I can't lose you too."

I hissed out in pain when Blue stepped on me, jerking my leg closer to my body. A cry of pain tried to escape my throat, but it got caught up in my throat, causing me to choke. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my thundering heart as well as to stop the tears that wanted to fall down my face.

"Shit!" Blue exclaimed. He moved whatever covered me and hissed as if he was in pain, also. "Are you even alive?" Anger and pain filled his voice as he tried to assess the best way to help me.

I tried to growl but it came out like a feeble whimper. I opened my eyes to see a blurry image of Blue standing in front of me.

"Oh, Goddess," he whispered, tears in his eyes. He knelt down in front of me and moved a strand of hair out of my face. "Hang in there."

I tried to smile, but it looked more like a grimace of pain. I was cold and tired, and I knew that my body was trying to heal itself without the help of my Wolf. "Not the worst I had been through," I whispered, fighting to keep my eyes open.

"Get some rest. We'll bring you back if you die on us." He forced a smile on his face as a tear streamed down his face. "Keep fighting, Ans. I need you."

I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me under again. "Always," I whispered before I, again, was succumbed to darkness. I would always keep fighting, no matter how tough my battles became.  

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