Chapter 30 (Edited)

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A/N: Last chapter. I might or might not do an epilogue, but for right now, this book is completed. I will be doing some extras. So... ya.

Thank you for being with my lack of updates and me adding more books. I hope that ya'll had enjoyed this story, AND 'They Call Me Foxy'. Don't forget to read that one.

And now, let's get on with the chapter.

Peace out (for the last time) Fluffy Munchkins, and I hope to see you in another book.




I was packing my bags up, feeling frustrated. It had been over two weeks since I had woken up, and tomorrow was the day that I was leaving to go with Jo and the group. I knew that Carter didn't like it, but I also knew that I needed to go. I needed to make sure that I wouldn't kill anyone because there had been a couple of close calls.

"I mean, it wouldn't be bad if you did hurt him, or you can let me hurt him," a familiar voice said, causing me to groan out in annoyance. "Hello to you, too, Anastasia," Isen said, causing me to scowl at him. "How are you?"

"Can you just leave me alone?" I asked, causing him to shrug his shoulder. "Why are you acting so annoying?"

"Why are you acting like such a bitch?" Isen countered. "And, I do not mean because you are technically a female "dog"."

I took a deep breath and let it out, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Sorry," I said, moving a hand through my hair. I was exhausted, mentally and emotionally, and I knew that I shouldn't have taken it out on him. "I am just..." I shook my head, not able to get it into words.

Isen sighed and sat down beside me. "Is this a bad time to point out that the potion to take out the toxins will mess with your mood?"

I scowled and looked at him. "It would have been nice to know," I muttered. "Why?"

Isen shrugged his shoulder. "You are the first one that had this administered to," he said. "The others either died or kept their immortality and gave up something else."

I sighed and nodded my head. To others, I was sure that immortality would sound like a blessing. However, it had sounded like a curse to me, a curse that could cause me to try and find a way to kill myself.

"I count you as one of the lucky ones," he said, causing me to snort and roll my eyes. "I am serious, Anastasia." He gave me a pointed look, causing me to be quiet. "You we- are strong enough to defeat the toxins. You have survived so much heartache, and even though you tried to kill yourself multiple times, you didn't die. And, it did not matter that you had become somewhat immortal."

I stayed silent and looked at my hands. I didn't count myself as lucky. I had no idea if I would ever count myself lucky. I had lost one mate, and I was at war with another. I knew that he wouldn't get how I was feeling, and a part of me did want him to understand, even if it was for a little while.

"So... does that mean you want me to..?"

"Stop reading my damn thoughts," I said, scowling at him. "Don't you have a mate to bug?"

Isen shrugged. "She is mad at me, again."

I blew out through my nose, annoyed. It was annoying that he got his mate pissed every other day, but they had been together for years. They both absolutely loved each other, something I wish I had with my mate. "No, I don't want him to feel what I had felt," I said, softly. "He has had his own problems, and he has his daughter to worry about. I am not going to put him through more pain."

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