Chapter 23 (Edited)

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It had been a day since Ari had been healed. Jealousy filled my body because Ari was going to be alright. She had a stable heart thanks to my cousin and was healed. Her heart was beating stronger than ever, and I was somewhat glad that she was alright.

Another thing that I was jealous of was the fact that both Jo and Lorcian were getting along. Sure, I was happy for both Ari and Jo, but sometimes I wondered if anything would go right for me.

I took a deep breath and let it out, leaning against the cool bark behind me. I was high in a tree where no one would be able to find me, alone with my thoughts and feelings. No one would be able to find me, because of how thick the leaves were as well as the fact that I didn't leave any trace.

I was bitter and jealous. I knew that I shouldn't be bitter and jealous, but I was. Everything seemed to be going right for those two, and I knew that they deserved it, but I thought that I deserved some happiness too.

Death seemed to be the only option for me, but I didn't want to die. I didn't want death to be my happiness, my place in society. I wanted to travel without the fear of being used if I was caught by someone and bring me back to him.

I wanted to change the way people look at me, but I knew that my past would always follow me. There were many packs in the world, and I knew that they had heard of me. I knew that some would be afraid of me because they would think that I was the same girl as before and not had changed.

"Anastasia!" I heard Blue yell from somewhere nearby. There was this crashing sound as he tried to find me, not even caring about his own safety. He was going in the right direction, but I knew that he would need some help to find me. "Damn it girl, where are you?" Panic filled his voice, and I knew that he feared the worst.

I wanted to ignore him, but I knew that I couldn't. I didn't want him to worry about me more than he already was. I didn't know why he was worried because the sectors were hidden around here as well as some of the Associans that had come early. I knew that more would come today, but I didn't really want to greet them. "Here," I called from my perch, too lazy to move.

Blue followed the sound to my voice and looked up at the tree, not being able to see me. "Are you up there?"

"Yep," I replied, sprawling a leg out, knocking some leaves down and onto him. "What is it?" I didn't give him a reason as to why I had left, but I was sure that he knew already. He seemed to know what I was trying to hide.

"You had me worried sick." He scowled. "Are you going to come down? I don't know if these branches on the tree will hold my weight."

"Nope," I replied.

Blue grumbled about me being lazy and climbed the tree, knocking some loose branches down to the ground. He got close enough to see me but made no move to go further up the tree. "Why are you up here?" he asked.

"Thinking," I replied. I leaned my head against the bark and closed my eyes. I licked my lips and sighed, wondering what he would do if I upped and left one day. "What would you do if I ran away?"

"Follow you, of course," he replied. He stroked a hand through his beard, giving me a thoughtful look. "You aren't thinking about running away, are you?"

I shrugged. "Maybe after the war, if I can," I replied. "It'll be hard to find a place where no one knows me. Most places have Werewolves, and I am sure they know about the "king killer"." Bitter disgust filled my voice. It wasn't my fault that I had killed the king, even though I was still learning that. I had been controlled by a monster that made me feel as if I was important.

"What do you want to do?" Blue asked.

"Travel," I replied. "I want to see the world without the fear of losing control of my Wolf and killing someone. I want to fall in love and have a family of my own. I want to be the mother that I never had growing up."

"You'd be a great mother," he said. He scowled up at me when I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Now, don't you dare get smart with me," he warned, knowing full well that I would have said something sarcastic. "I've seen how you handled both Jo and Avery when you took the role of a mother figure of them. They both look up to you."

"And, they sort of didn't have a choice," I replied, coldly. "And, I can't be a mother to them any longer. Jo is old enough to be a mother herself, and Avery..." I shook my head, my heart yearning for the little girl that reminded me so much of my sister.

Blue cleared his throat, causing me to look down at him. He looked rather nervous, and I couldn't help but wonder if something happened. "You... might be able to get to be a mother to Avery..." He sighed and looked up at me. "Your mate is here. He.... looks like shit."

I hummed and nodded my head. I kept my face blank, not wanting to let the hope flutter and soar higher than the stars. "I left him the journals and the loose paper about my past. I think that he has read them." I paused and sighed, knowing full well that he would be there too. "How is Michael?"

"Like shit, too," he replied. "Do you want to go see them?"

I sighed and hopped out of the tree. "I guess so," I replied, looking up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Ready?"

Blue scowled. "Show off," he said. He clambered down the tree and pulled me into a hug. "No matter what happens, I will follow you to the end of the world. The only thing that I need you to promise me is that you don't die."

I closed my eyes and held him tight. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "I promise," I whispered.

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