Chapter 12 (Edited)

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I walked into the coffee shop that my cousin wanted to meet at. My gray eyes took in my surroundings before I made it to the back corner booth, knowing that she would want to sit there. It was more private than where most people were sitting at, so I had to agree with her.

A sigh escaped my lips when I sat down and moved a hand through my hair before closing my eyes, exhausted. I did not get any sleep last because my sister's face haunted my sleep. I couldn't sleep because of those dead, green eyes that seemed to stare straight into my soul.

"You look like shit," a feminine voice said, causing me to open one eye. The redhead scowled, holding two cups of coffee. Her whole body was tense, and I knew that she wanted to wreak havoc on someone. "Why?"

I rubbed my eyes and sat up as my cousin sat across from me, nodding in thanks as she slid the coffee over to me. "Nightmare," I replied. I held my hand up, silencing her. "It isn't Blue's nor Karen's fault. You know me better than anyone else, Jo. You all ready know that I will not wake anyone up when I have a nightmare about my past."

My cousin pursed her lips but nodded. Worry and fear filled her eyes before she masked it, not really wanting me to see her feelings. "I-I can't lose you, too," she said, her voice cracking. She tried to say something else but shook her head instead.

I chuckled, darkly and took a sip if my coffee. "Who knew that the Steele females could not talk about their feelings to others, nor family."

Jo shrugged her shoulder, acting indifferent. "Doesn't matter much," she said, taking a sip of her coffee. She pursed her lips and huffed. "How are you?" She studied me, and I knew that she was trying to figure out if I was hiding something.

I shrugged. "Tired, confused, the usual." I placed my hands on the counter and watched as they shook. "Remember what I had you promise me?" I asked, not looking at the eyes that reminded me so much of my sister.

"An-" She stopped when I held my hand up, silencing her.

"I don't know if I can survive being without Carter," I said. "He wants... he wants me to reject him. And if I do..." I shrugged my shoulder.

"I am not killing you, Ans," Jo said. "I-I-" Fear filled her eyes, and for a minute, she didn't look like the cold blooded killer that I had known but the scared ten year old that lived trapped in the clutches of the male that I had called my "Master".

I reached over and clutched her hand, squeezing it. "I know," I said, softly. "I don't want to lose myself either. But, you promised me that you would." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "I am in pain, Jo," I said, finally, opening my eyes. "This pain can't be healed with medicine. And I... don't think that it could be healed at all."

"But you will fight, right?" Jo asked looking at me in the eye. "You will keep fighting for me?"

I nodded. "I will always keep fighting for you." I gave her a tired smile. "Now, are you ok?"

Jo took her hand out of mine. Debate filled her eyes, and I could tell that she was wondering if she should tell me or not. She opened her mouth to say something before closing it again. "I am fine," she said, her voice monotone. "Everything is fine."


"I am sorry for not telling you where I was going," I said into the phone. I made my way to the Ford Taurus that I had driven here. My head was hurting, and I knew that it was because I had to practically threaten my cousin to tell me what had happened with her. "I had to go, though."

"And, you didn't tell me... because why?" I could hear Blue raising his eyebrow over the phone, and all I wanted to do was shave it off.

"Because," I said, rubbing my forehead. "You would've wanted to come with me. And, I wanted to get there alone," I replied. I opened the car door and went inside before closing it behind me. "I'm on my back to the pack house."

There was silence on the other end, and I knew that Blue was trying to come up with something. "You needed time alone," he said, finally. "You knew that I would've forced you to let me come with you."

I hesitated but nodded. "Ya," I said. "I needed to get away from the pack." My voice cracked, and I couldn't help but sigh. "I will see you when I get back there. Ok?"

Blue sighed. He knew that I didn't like talking on the phone while I was driving. He knew that I wanted to try to pay attention to the road in front of me, even thought that was sometimes hard for me to do. "All right. Be careful."

I smiled a bit. "I will," I said. I hung up the phone and started the car. I was dreading going back, knowing that I was going to get cussed out by Carter. I didn't know why he wanted to know where I was, but I didn't care. If he wanted to be an ass, then I would let him.

With a heavy heart and a heavy mind, I made my way back to the hell that I was going to be at until my uncle said I could leave. I didn't know if I was going to survive or not, but I was going to try my hardest. Jo needed me as much as I needed her.

And, after that thought, something hit the car, that I was in, causing it to spin out of control before going down a steep embankment.

No scream left my mouth as the car started to roll, and I couldn't say when it stopped because all I remembered was everything going black before it did. 


A/N: Sorry, not sorry about the cliffie. :P 

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