Chapter 22 (Edited)

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I stared at the needle in my hand and sighed. My whole body was shaking from nerves, and I knew it was because I had just taken some of my blood. The fear of the needle was still there, and I knew it was from whatever experiments they had tried on me.

"Goddess," I whispered through gritted teeth, feeling rather sick. "Please, don't let me throw up." I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath before opening them and looked at myself through the mirror. I could tell that this whole thing was taking its toll on me.

My brown hair looked rather greasy, even though I had taken a shower some time ago. My eyes were dull, lacking any spark, and the dark circles underneath my eyes were more prominent. My whole face just sagged, and I could tell that I was starting to look older than what had been said.

"Anastasia?" a female voice asked. Worry filled her voice, and I could tell that she, whoever she was, thought that something was wrong. "Are you ok in there? You didn't answer your door when I knocked and saw that it was cracked a little."

I shook my head, breaking me from my thoughts. "Uh... ya," I replied. "I just..." I looked at the syringe that held my blood, my stomach becoming queasy with the greenish color. For me, it was normal, but I knew that it wasn't normal for regular Werewolves. It still made me feel sick every time I looked at it, because it labeled me as different. "Had to take some of my blood."

There was silence on the other side of the door. "Can I... come in?" she asked, nervously. "I-I don't want you to hurt yourself or do something stupid."

I chuckled darkly before getting a vial and putting the blood in there. My cousin was going to have to add some of her blood into the mix before taking it over to the Dryad. I didn't take the blood over there because they would surely be watching and wondering how I was still not under His control. "I've done this multiple times, Kid," I said, feeling her scowl. I smirked tiredly. "I am not hurting myself."

"So... can I come in?" she asked, again.

"If you want," I replied. "It's not like I have anything to hide." I threw the needle and syringe into the container that the Dryad had given me for the disposal of getting my blood while the door opened.

"Why do you take your own blood? You could've had the pack doctor take it."

I glanced to see Ari and nodded to the vial of my blood that laid on the sink. "They'll ask questions," I said, taking the belt off of my arm and rubbing the area where the spot had all ready healed. I packed up the rest of the stuff that was laying around before putting up while Ari came over to me. I glanced at her while I washed my hands, wondering why she came to talk to me and not Jo.

Ari looked at the blood and frowned. Worry filled her eyes, and I could tell that she thought I had something that was contagious or worse. "Why is it green?" she asked, looking at me. "Are you taking something poisonous?"

I nodded my head and opened the bathroom drawer to show her the pills that I had to take. "There are some toxins in those that are poisonous to you. My body has adapted to them."

"Why do you take them?" Ari asked. She furrowed her brows and looked at them before looking at me. Anger filled her eyes, and it was coming off of her in waves. "Are you trying to die? Are you that stupid or what?"

I hid back a wince and got my emotions under control. "I've nearly killed myself multiple times, Ariel," I replied, giving her a pointed look. "Somehow, I can not die. I'm... brought back every time." I looked at the sink before looking at her. "And, it's not that I am stupid or anything. If you were in my position, then I am sure you would have done the same thing. Too many people have died from my hands, and my past is not pretty."

Ari frowned but didn't say anything. She looked away and cleared her throat, fiddling with her hands. She wanted to change the subject, but I could tell that she was having difficulties on changing it.

"Now, why is it that you are here?" I asked, cocking my head. I studied her, trying to gauge her reaction.

Ari took a deep breath and sighed. "I was wondering if Fox was mad at me." She looked at me, studying me. Fear filled her eyes, and I was sure that she thought she did.

I shook my head no. "Jo doesn't hate you," I said. I shoved the drawer closed, still wondering as to why I had listened to my uncle at all. I knew I shouldn't be here. I could feel the judgemental looks, and it was causing my anxiety to go out the window.

Ari watched as I opened up the drawer again and took a couple of my pills. The scowl on her face said it all, but she didn't comment as to why I took them. "Will she talk to me?" she asked.

"Probably," I replied, stuffing them in my mouth and dry swallowing. "She'll help you with your heart too if you ask her."

Hope filled her eyes. "Really?" she asked, excitedly. She blushed and looked down. "I don't know if my Wolf will be able to fix it," she said honestly. Ari licked her lips and sighed. "I want to be normal... ya know?"

I snorted but nodded. I understood what she was saying. I didn't want to take these pills every day, but I knew that if I didn't then my Wolf would take control and kill everyone. I wanted to be normal and actually shift into a Wolf, but I knew that that would never happen. "I know, Kid," I said. I shrugged and smirked, tiredly. "But, normal is overrated anyway. Freaks rule the world. Remember?"

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