Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I was shocked when she said "Mate", because I had been told that I would never have one. I had given up my chance for a mate for power that I didn't have anymore.

"This is Anastasia Meyers," Blue said, pinching my arm. He grunted when I elbowed him. "She is one of the most stubborn people that I have ever met." He narrowed his eyes at me and smiled.

"Awwww, Uncle, your words flatter me," I said, tearing my gaze away from the Alpha. I placed my hand across my heart and pretended to swoon.

"Let's just make sure that they don't flatter her too much," Ethan said, snickering with Sam. They leaned against the car and watched as we bickered some.

I rolled my eyes at them, not really surprised about their behavior. "So, will we be living with Karen and Donovan McCormick?" I asked, looking back at the Alpha and Beta.

The Beta smiled and nodded his head. "We will let you you two get settled in. There is a party to welcome you and have you all meet the pack. We do it for all visiting members," he said, rushing out the last part when he caught my panicked look.

"If it is alright with you, and the Alpha, can we just stay for a little while and then leave?" Blue asked. He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed, calming down a bit.

Carter scowled and shook his head. He glared at me, causing me to scrunch my brows up in confusion. He clenched his jaw and his fists together. I could tell that he was angry about something, but I didn't know what I did to cause him to be so angry.

"That will be a no go," the Beta said. He gave me a pitying look that caused me to clench my jaw and shift a bit. "We have planned this out for a long time, and it would be rude to leave everyone standing around."

I looked down and nodded. I felt a bit guilty for not staying around and getting to know the pack, but I didn't know how much I could handle. I did not want to accidentally hurt someone or worse. "Of course," I said, bitterly. I looked up and forced a smile on my face, making sure that they didn't know what I was thinking.

"There is nothing else that the Alpha wanted to discuss with you all. You all are dismissed to get ready and unpack."

I turned around to get into the van when the Beta called my name. I turned to look back at them, seeing that the Beta was giving me a curious look. "Yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The Alpha would like to speak with you privately in an hour. If that is alright with you." He didn't glance at Carter, knowing that the Alpha was glaring at him. I was sure that he guessed I was a bit wary to be by myself with others and tried to make me feel as if I did have a choice.

I forced a smile on my face, panicking a bit. Plans to leave filtered through my mind, but they were instantly shut down by my Wolf. I glanced at Blue, causing him to subtly nod before looking at the Alpha and Beta. "Of course," I said, nodding my head. "Should I just meet one of you in the lobby of the pack house?"

"I will be taking you to the office from Karen's house," the Beta said. "I'm Michael by the way."

I nodded my head. "Anastasia," I said. "I will see you in an hour." With that, I went into the van, not waiting for him to say anything else. I moved a bit for Blue to get in and tried to calm my beating heart.

I had no idea if he knew what I was to him or not, but I didn't want to find out.


The hour passed by with getting to know both Karen and Donovan. I was a bit grateful to know that Karen was both the Pack Doctor and from the Assossian group, so not a lot of people would have to know who I was.

"Are you sure that you do not want to take another medication, Dear?" Karen asked from the living room watching as I pace the length of the floor. "You are wearing the carpet thin."

"She all ready took one, Karen," Blue said. "She was freaking out more than she was freaking out now."

"You would be freaking out, also, if you were told that you had a mate after you gave the chance up for a stupid reason," I said. I turned to look at them and raised an eyebrow. "Now, isn't that right?"

Blue shook his head but didnt say a word. Worry filled his eyes as he gestured with his chin behind me to let me know that someone else was in the room with us. "Beta Michael, it is good to see you."

"You too Ambassador," he said. Respect filled his voice, and I could hear a bit of curiosity in it.

My body stiffened automatically when he called Blue Ambassador. If he knew that Blue had been an Ambassador, then that meant he knew I was the Princess. "I thought-"

"I was the one that had asked for your help, Princess," Michael said, interrupting me. He cleared his throat. "I swear that I will keep that you are the Prin-"

I turned around to look at him. His head was bowed with his neck showing. His black hair fell into his eyes. "Are you su-" I said, interrupting him before being interrupted by him nodding.

"I am," he confirmed. "May I continue?"

I puffed out my cheeks but nodded my head. If he wanted to swear to me, then he could. However, I wasn't certain that he should do it at all. "Be my guest," I said, gesturing for him to continue.

"I swear that I will keep you being the Princess a secret," he said. "I swear this to the Goddess, my King, my pack, and my position. I swear that I will make sure you are protected even if it mea-"

"You will not protect me if it means betraying your pack. You will follow all orders that your Alpha gives you if something happens to me. You will not have to worry about what will happen to you if something happens to me. The King and the groups that I am in all ready know how stubborn I am. Do you swear to me and to the Goddess?" I said, interrupting him. Power filled the room around us while I walked over to the Beta.

Michel clenched his jaw, trying to fight my command. He gave out a small huff before submitting to the power around us. "Yes, Your Highness," he said. "I swear."

I nodded my head. "Then so shall it be." The power around us hummed while I walked towards him. I held ot my hand, causing the other male to hold out his. If I hadn't had the medication that kept me sane in my blood, then I would've cut my hand and have him cut his. But, since I did have the medication in my blood, I just had to only use the power of my rank.

Michael seemed a bit confused that I didn't cut my hand, but he didn't question it. Something in me told me that he all ready knew that I had to take some medication that could be harmful to him and his Wolf. He clapped his hand against mine and cussed when power struck him and I. "Damn it," he said. "That hurt."

I let go of his hand and rubbed my own. It did hurt, and I could feel this stinging pain. I looked at my hand wand was shocked to see that instead of a red eye, it was gold. "Blue," I said, confused. I showed him mark.

"What the fuck?" Blue asked, taking my hand in his. "It's your Wolf's eye, before..." He paused and glanced at Michael who was looking at us confused.

"Before I betrayed my family and lost my way."  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now