Chapter 11 (Edited)

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"Please, talk to me," Blue groaned as we walked into the mall. He was pouting, and I could tell because of the way his voice sounded. "I don't like you ignoring me. You know that." He leaned against me, trying to make me say something to get him off. He knew that I hated being leaned on but still did it anyway.

I slid out of his grasp and walked over to Avery, who was with Clarissa. I gave her a nod in greeting, only to receive a glare from her. "Are you happy that you are here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Avery said, widening her eyes. "We can go clothes shopping and make my dad fall in love with you."

"Hold up," I said, stopping and pulling the ten-year-old to a stop. "What?"

Avery stopped and looked at me as if I was stupid. She pursed her lips and looked me up and down before putting her hands on her hips. "I am ten, not three. I know that there is an attraction between the two of you. You two are mates." She started to walk back to the mall before getting pulled back by me.

"One, how do you know that Carter and I are mates? Two, when the hell did you learn about mates? Three, does your dad know that you know that we are mates? If not, do not tell him. He will probably try to stop you from seeing me."

"One, Mommy said she was a-a-" She scrunched up her brow as she thought of the word. She looked at me expectantly, trying to see if I knew what she meant, and I unfortunately did.

"Blue," I said, trying to look for my mentor. I knew what she was trying to say, but having my sister as one was something out of fairy tale books. They weren't real, or if they were, I didn't get the chance to meet one yet.

Blue walked over and frowned. "Now, you talk to me." He caught my look before looking around, tensing. When he didn't find anything that looked out of the ordinary, he turned to look at me. "What is it?" he asked, worriedly.

"She..." I couldn't say what my sister was. I didn't know if Avery had the gift as well, but if she did, then I wanted her to be protected from Him. He could use her powers and take over the kingdom.

"Hey, Ans," Blue said, putting a hand on my shoulder, breaking me from my train of thought. He studied me, worry in his eyes. "May I?" he asked, wanting to see what I was thinking.

I hesitated but nodded. It would be better for him to see what I was thinking, because I knew that it wasn't safe to say it out loud.

"Wait, what are you hiding from us?" Clarissa asked. She narrowed her eyes at me, disgust evident in her voice.

"A lot of things," I said, my voice slightly breathless. I knew that Blue figured out what I meant by the way he looked and because he pulled me into a tight hug.

"He won't get either of you," he whispered in my ear, making sure that the others couldn't hear me. "We'll make sure of it."

I closed my eyes and hugged him tight. I wasn't worried about him getting and killing me. To him, I was his "prized possession", something that he could tame and play around with, but I was worried about him getting and killing my cousin and my niece. If he did that, then I did not know what I would do.

"Can we go shopping now?" Avery asked, pulling at my clothes. "I am tired of this sappy stuff." She rolled her eyes when I looked at her and stuck her tongue out at me when I rolled mine. "Meanie."


I stared at my phone with a text from my cousin, my eyes blurring at the message that I saw. I was worried about her because she asked to see me. She didn't pop up like she normally did. "What did Lorcian do to you?" I asked with a sigh, running a hand across my face. "Just be careful."

"Who's Lorican?" Michael asked for Carter.

"Some dude that you probably met before," I replied, closing my phone and putting it back into my pocket. I didn't turn to look at them, not really caring that I was disrespecting them. "Why can't you just leave me alone, Carter?" I asked. "It's been three hours since I had gotten back with Avery, and all you did was hound me when I got back."

"Because, you are a bad influence on her," Michael replied. "Dude," he hissed, catching my wince. "That is a low blow, even for you."

Carter growled at Michael, causing the other male to submit and mumble an apology. He tried to touch me, but I moved away from his reach.

"You're right," I said. "I might be a bad influence on her, but I am trying to be a better person." I turned to look at Carter, clutching at the railing behind me. "You have no idea who I am, Carter. You don't know anything and will not know shit about me."

Carter growled but didn't say a word. His eyes were filled with guilt when he caught my tired look before they hardened again.

I shook my head and looked away from him. "I have a job to do, and that job is to help get this pack back on it's feet. I am working with the Warriors, and Blue will be working with you. You are a smart man, from what I read, but I don't see a smart man right now."

"And what do you see?" Michael asked.

I looked at him and saw different emotions in his eyes. "Me," I said, softly. I took a deep breath and sighed. "I see a broken person that wants to be loved and wants a shoulder to cry on. I see a scared male that doesn't want to get attached to another female, even if it means pushing away someone that could help you." I shrugged my shoulder. "What do I know? I am just a low life scum." With that, I left them both on the porch staring after me.

I might be low life scum to him, but I was a fighter and a warrior. I can survive anything, because my cousin gave up so much to make sure that I would safe. I wanted to prove to her and to those that oppress me that I wasn't someone to give up.  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now