Chapter 26 (Edited)

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I could feel him staring at me as I fought the members of his Rogue group. I knew that he was nearby, even though I didn't know where. I wasn't surprised that he didn't appear in the battle against us because he never did.

He never fought in the battles that he had done with packs, always waiting on the sidelines. He loved watching "us" getting killed as well as the pack members. He basked in the glory that "we" had brought him, not even lifting a finger. When he wanted to do something, he would kill the Alpha, sometimes taunting them first while other times, he just killed them. He showed no mercy when he did attack, which was a very rare occurrence.

I sliced the head off one of the Wolves, ignoring the hateful look in his eyes. I knew some of these people, having been on their side once upon a time. I knew that they wouldn't be able to be turned to good, and the stuff that I had taken would kill them.

I shook my head and growled, throwing a sword at one of the Wolves that was about to attack one of the members of the pack before slicing one that came at me from behind. I twisted the sword around and flung the dead Wolf towards a Wolf that had pinned down another.

The Wolf, that I had helped, killed the Wolf that had pinned it down and bowed their head to me. They turned around and joined back into the fray, not caring about the blood that was coming out of them.

This was life and death of the whole pack and maybe the whole Werewolf community. These two packs, with the Associan and Sector members, were the only things that were blocking them from taking over.

I was about to jump back into the fray when someone grabbed me and pressed the "tattoo", causing me to become immobile. I tried to move, tried to swing my sword, but I couldn't. My heart pounded in fear because I knew that this might be the end of me.

"J-" I tried to say, causing the person to cover my mouth roughly. I bit the person's hand, but that didn't both the person at all.

"You should stop trying to struggle," the person, a male, growled in my ear. "You know that he doesn't like to be kept waiting." He started to take me away from the crowd, making sure that no other Wolves knew that we were gone.

No, no, no, I thought, tears coming out of my eyes. I was frustrated and angry with myself for getting caught, even though I knew that he would be nearby. I knew that this man wasn't him because if it was, then he would have kissed my neck and grab a boob or something.

"No linking anyone," the male sang, menacingly. "You don't want them to be tortured, don't you?"

I gritted my teeth and clenched my eyes shut. I didn't know where we were going, but I knew that we were going away from the pack. I'm sorry, I thought, not even trying to link anyone. I am sorry that it had to be this way.


He stood with his back facing us, his hands folded and clutching each other. His black hair was pulled into a ponytail, and I knew that none of it was out of place. His whole body was relaxed, and I could picture a smug look on his face. "Leave us," he said, his voice smooth and sultry. "Go back into the fight."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the male said from behind me. He shoved me to the ground towards him before leaving.

"You have disappointed me, My Love," he said. He shook his head and tsked. "And after all that I had done for you." He turned and faced me, his eyes blue like sapphires. He still had the same crazed look in his eyes, and I couldn't help but gulp.

I spat on the ground at his feet and sneered, faking my confidence. We both knew that I was petrified of him. We both knew that he still had control over me, and it didn't help that I couldn't control my body.

The male, Peter, looked at his feet and then looked at me. He smacked me across the face, one of the rings that he always wore catching my lip and tearing the skin off of it.

I slumped over at his feet, my heart pounding in fear and adrenaline. I hated that I wasn't in control of my body, flashbacks of staring at my sister coming into my mind with the gun in my hand.

Peter tsked and lifted me back onto my knees. He touched my busted lip and placed his finger in his mouth to taste it. "Hmmm," he said, smacking his lips. "It's not pure Werewolf." He smacked his lips again. "Dryad perhaps?" he asked, looking at me. "Did you really think a Dryad could save you?"

"No," I replied, breathing heavily. "But, it made so that you couldn't control me."

"Ah, but I can, Anastasia," Peter said. He moved his finger across my cheek and down to my neck. "I control your fears. You can't say my name, but you still call me "Master"." He fiddled with the hair that came from my braid. "I like that a lot."

"I am sure you do," I said. "But you will never be my master, again."

Peter raised an eyebrow and sneered. "Oh, we shall see about that," he said. He turned me around, roughly and stabbed the thorns running down my back.

I tried to fight, I really did, but I couldn't. I screamed as the insanity and my Wolf took over, and my last thought was I get to see my family again.

I wondered if they would accept me this time now that we all would be dead.

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now