Chapter 3 (Edited)

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That evening, I sat in my room with a loose tank top and yoga pants on. My brown hair was in a braid with my bangs pinned back. "One of these days I am going to cut it all off," I muttered, pushing a strand, that had fallen from my bobby pin, behind my ear.

There was a knock on my door, causing me to groan out in frustration. "Can I come in? I am not dead," I heard Blue say. Amusement filled his voice, and I knew he was amused by the fact that I had groaned out in annoyance.

"No, I was just going to read this file by myself, so I can know all the information," I said, sarcastically.

The door opened and an unimpressed looking Blue standing there, staring at me. His eyes sparkled with a playful glint, and he had a smirk on his face. "It's fine, I can just take the file and see what it is without you," he said.

I growled, playfully, causing him to chickle and moved over so that he could lay down on my bed as well.

He jumped onto my bed, causing me to bounce just a bit. "So, what pack are we going to?" he asked, sitting beside me.

I narrowed my eyes at him before opening the file. The name of the pack caused me to pause and suck in a deep breath. My hand shook as the name stared at me, getting blurry from unshed tears or from the quickening of my heart.

"Ans?" Blue asked, breaking me from my thoughts. Concern filled his voice, and I could feel the worry coming off of him in waves. "Are you alright?"

I puffed my cheeks out before blowing out the air. "Ya... it's just..." I moved a hand through my hair, grimacing. "The pack's name is Witfall Pack." I glanced at Blue when I felt him shift, nervously.

His face paled, because he knew that pack, also. "Is the Alpha still Carter Ross?"

I looked at the file and nodded my head. My heart broke because that was my sister's mate. I hadn't really met him, leaving before my sister had met him. "He... ah... has a child that is ten years now."

"What's her name?" Blue asked. He placed an arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"Avery Alexia Ross," I said. I took a deep breath, missing my older sister. I wanted to tell her that I was sorry for being such a jealous asshole, and I wanted to have more time to get to know her. "That's her name." I studied the picture that was in the file, my heart breaking. At the age of ten, she looked just like her mother when her mother was ten years old.

Blue sighed and cleared his throat. "Well, I think that she will be the same as her mother, and as you, too."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, my heart breaking at the thought of her being like me. "I hope she doesn't. It's my fault that her mom is dead," I said, my voice cracking. I rubbed my eyes, not wanting to break down in front of Blue.

"I know what you did was wrong, Ans, but if she has your bravery and your resilience then, I am sure that she would be fine," Blue said. He shook his head and chuckled. "I remember the first time you came back. You were so scared of everything and everyone. I thought you would attack me a couple of times."

I snorted and let a small smile on my face. I remembered how Blue had acted when I came back to the palace. He had been so scared of me that he never comforted me, nor stay in the same room as me. "You were such a scaredy cat. Who knew that the Ambassador to my father-"

"Hey, I thought you had changed," Blue interrupted me. "But to know that you were afraid also..." He shook his head and sighed, sadly. "I thought Jo was going to kill me."

I smiled, remembering the burning anger in her eyes when I told her that Blue didn't trust me. I had asked her not to do anything, but that bitch just blew me off and scared the living daylights out of him. "She has seen me at my worse. Of course she was going to be protective of me."

"She saw her in you," Blue said. He stood and patted my knee. "The walls talk, don't forget that Ans." He smiled and walked to the door. Before he left, he turned back to look at me and smiled. Love and warmth filled his eyes, making me miss my father a bit more. "Good night."

"Night?" I asked, confused as to what he meant by the walls talking. The walls couldn't talk. And if they did, what stories would they tell?  

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now