Chapter 24 (Edited)

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Warm arms enveloped me in a hug as I stepped out of the woods followed by Blue. The person held me tight, and I clung to him tight while a couple of tears fell from my eyes. "You scared me," he mumbled, his voice cracking. "And that hurt. I thought you were dying."

I shook my head and took a deep breath. "It would have hurt worse if I did die," I replied. I stepped out of his arms and cleared my throat, looking at my mate. "Alpha Carter," I said, causing the male to flinch. "Thank you for coming."

Carter cleared his throat and glanced at Blue. He was nervous, I could tell. He felt the pain that I had felt all my life, and I knew that it was because of the way I had written it. "C-Carter is fine," he said, his voice still cracking because of the lack of use. "Please."

I set my jaw and shook my head. I was not going to get attached to him. He could change all he wants to, but I wasn't going to let him kill my happiness. I looked around and furrowed my brows in confusion when I didn't see the small girl. "Where's Avery?" I asked, looking at Michael.

"With your cousin to see your uncle," Michael said. "We tried to keep her at the pack house, but she insisted on coming."

I sighed and shook my head, a headache appearing. All I wanted to do was take a nap, but I knew that sleep would not come. "It is safer here for her than at your pack, believe it or not," I said. "It would've been better if she was at the castle."

"Why do you say that it is safer than in my pack?" Carter asked. He narrowed his eyes at me, and I couldn't help but feel impatient with him. "I thought th-"

"They are," I snapped, interrupting him. "However, there are both service people from the King and the Associan group. Both groups have had intense training, and no offense, but your pack Warriors still sort of suck."

Michael coughed, covering a snort. He knew it was true because he fought some his members and then fought me. He had not been prepared.

"Well if someone ha-"

"I am going to cut you off right there before you put yourself into a deeper rut, Carter," Blue warned, causing him to shut his mouth. "You weren't the only one that had lost yourself, nor were you the only one that has been suffering from very bad depression. Ans has to fight every day to get out of bed, and I know when the days are tough."

Carter shut his mouth and looked at me. He cleared his throat and looked down. He didn't say a word, and I had no idea why it hurt so much.

I shook my head and sighed. "I am going to take a shower and try to take a nap. I'll talk to Avery later." I looked at Michael when he opened his mouth. "I am not going to have you swear to me again, Michael. I have no idea what will happen in a couple of days, but I know that if I do die, then it could kill you too."

Michael closed his mouth and nodded his head. His face was rather grim, and he knew that my time was almost up. "You gonna keep fighting though?" he asked, causing me to nod my head.

"I made a promise that I would," I said. "I try to keep my promises." I glanced at Carter before turning to look at Blue. "We're going to need to set something up for Avery," I said, not going more into detail as to why. "Do you think you can do something?"

Blue nodded his head and glanced at Carter. He gave him a pointed look, causing him to shut his mouth. We both knew that at it wasn't safe to discuss what Avery was, and I have no idea if Alexia had placed it in her journals of what she was and what she could do. "I'll see if some of the more trusted ones want to look after her," he said. "Most might want to protect the king and the packs."

I nodded my head, grimly. I knew that most of the Warriors were going to want to fight because that was what they were trained to do. They were not trained to babysit, even if the person that they were babysitting was important.

My Dead Sister's Mate (Book One of Witfall Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now