Chapter 19 (Edited)

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My job was done and yet it has just begun. I had gotten Justin to Jo with little to no trouble and back to this pack before he had to leave to go back to that monster.

Carter did try to find out where I had went through Michael, and I just told him to suck ass and left. He didn't try to follow me or anything, and to be honest I was half happy and half sad that he didn't go after me... Stupid mate bond.

Speaking of mates, I almost ran into Lorcian, Jo's mate, when I was trying to talk to Ari about why Jo didn't tell her who she really was. I had sensed... something rather odd about him, something that a Fox Spirit could sense, but for some reason, Jo couldn't or wouldn't.

This thing was ancient, and it felt as if this... spell had been used before, in some way. But... he couldn't be the person that I had rescued... a friend from. Couldn't he be?

I shook my head and huffed, my head slowly killing me. "And, this is why you don't think that much," I muttered, rubbing my forehead. "Overthinking kills."

I shook my head again and flicked through one of my many journals about my past.

There was one time when, a couple of years ago, when I tried to go to therapy. I wanted to try to get help from someone else, but one look from the therapist told me that I was trying to get help from the wrong person.

I couldn't blame her because I did kill her mate. She blamed me for her death, and honestly, I blamed myself too. It was my fault that this therapist was lonely and didn't have anyone to lean on when times got tough.

She did give me some advice as to write everything down and write down my feelings every day to get them out of my head. She, also, told me to burn it, but I never could do that for some reason.

I did burn the meaningless birthday cards that "mother" and "father" had given me. There was no value in them, and they didn't even write their own names in them. They had a servant write it in them for them.

The only cards I could never burn were from Alexia and Blue. They hid them around my room and tried to hide my uncle's, but my "father" found those and yelled at my uncle for treating me "right".

Another thing I couldn't burn was the journal that my sister had given me just before she left to go to Carter. It was on one of my "off" weekends so that my "parents" wouldn't be suspicious about me and what I had been up to. I never could read it, but maybe just maybe it would help Carter understand my past and show him that I wasn't lying.

"Are you leaving?" Avery asked, walking into the room followed by Michael. She had caught sight of the opened suitcase on my chair and frowned.

"Uh, ya," I said, sitting up. I placed some sheets of paper beside me and crossed my legs. "It's almost time and..." I grimaced and shrugged. I knew that Carter would kick me out, and I was sure that he would reject me because I was the person that he had blamed for his mate's death.

"You don't have to go," Avery said, tearing up. The look in her eyes told me that she knew my time was ending. "You could stay here, with us. There's... a chance that you could die."

"Which is why I am going to try to get this pack's help," I replied. "He... will attack this pack next for whatever reason. I think that it might have to do with the history of it but..." I shrugged.

"Why don't you know the history of the packs?" Michael asked. He moved the suitcase and sat down at the desk. "I mean, I thought all princesses and princes had lessons about their kingdoms."

"Not if they are burnt off of the family tree," I replied. I moved some stuff over on the bed and gestured for Avery to come over. I laid my head on hers, my heart aching because I was taking away another mother figure in her life.

"Oh," Michael said, looking down. He cleared his throat and looked at the stuff beside me. "What's that for?" he asked, gesturing towards it.

I closed my eyes and sighed before opening them, signing. "It's... my past," I said, finally. "It's everything that had happened to me and all the resentment I had felt for my parents, for the world."

"And for my mommy?"

I nodded my head, feeling rather guilty. I had resented her mother so much, even though now I knew that she had cared and loved me. However, at a young age, I was never able to understand why she was looked at as the "better of the two girls". "Especially for her," I replied. I nodded to the book at the end of the bed. "She left me that before she left. I never read it. I was going to one day but..." I shook my head and sighed, feeling my throat close up again. "I ended up having a panic attack after reading the first page."

"Will you ever read it?" he asked, causing me to shrug.

"She said to give it to "him" if I don't read it. I had no idea who "him" was, but I think she knew that I would be mated to Carter. She probably knew that I would need help to get his help or actually to get him to listen to me."

"Are you going to give it to him?" Avery asked, looking at the journal. She stared at it, and I could feel this deep longing about her. She wanted to keep it for herself, wanting to read the words from her mother. She wanted something to hold on to, and I couldn't help but feel guilty for not giving it to her.

"Yes," I said, nodding my head.

"What if he doesn't believe it?" she asked.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "I don't know," I replied, honestly. I opened my eyes and shrugged, looking away from them. "It doesn't matter much anyways. I am sure that I would be dead soon..."

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