it's quiet, on a snowy sunday morning. i wake, and he sleeps peacefully next to me, a small smile planted on his delicate lips. he's always smiling, no matter what.
i step out of bed, careful not to wake him. i walk downstairs, keeping my hands under my arms for warmth. a small beam of light shines on the old piano that sits next to the couch. i haven't played since seventh grade.
i sit down at the bench, flipping some music to a sweet tune that my grandfather used to play. i position my hands at the correct keys, and the music comes easily, and it's like hearing it when i was young. i remember sitting next to the piano, my eyes closed and my hands tapping the beat.
i wish my parents were here to see this. but they needed some time alone. i'm happy they decided to take a vacation.
i hum along to the music, like he did. i feel as if i'm living as my grandfather, calmly playing piano while my other relaxes in another room. my dog comes trotting in, sitting next to the old piano, where i had sat before.
soft footsteps echo through the house, and a soft, groggy voice calls out my name. i stop playing, and turn to see him standing at the base of the stairs, rubbing his eyes. his dark hair is scruffly, his eyes light in the morning. i smile, and stand to greet him. he wraps his arms around me, and i melt a bit, his warmth from bed seeping into my bones.
i want to freeze in this moment. i want him to hold me in his arms forever, stay enveloped in his warmth, his hand softly stroking my long blonde hair, wavy from sleep and how i haven't straightened it in a good bit. i want to feel his heartbeat against my hear, knowing that this beautiful boy in front of me is real, he's alive and healthy, he's happy.
he pulls away, and we silently sit on the couch, my dog hopping up onto my lap. he scratches her head, and she smiles, her little tongue sticking out.
i still feel sleepy, but i don't want to go to sleep. my eyes are heavy, and he notices. my eyes feel bleary, and i lean my head on his shoulder, and he gently shifts me so i'm laying in his lap, my head resting on his thigh. he places a blanket over the rest of me, and his hands play with my hair, braiding and unbraiding it. the feeling quickly helps me fall asleep, and i hear his soft voice say before i slip away,
"i love you."
when i wake some hours later, he's in the same position as i fell asleep. he still braids my hair, and i wonder how long he's been doing that.
he notices that i'm waking, and he smiles.
"hey, sleepyhead. how're you?"
i let out a quiet "good," and i stand, stretching. i walk over to the piano, and he follows. i flip to a song i learned when i was twelve, and i begin to play, and he must've known the song, because he begins to sing the lyrics.
i'm surprised when i head his voice, it's very melodic and soothing, like a sirens. he remains in-key, and he closes his eyes, immersing himself into the music. he looks so beautiful while doing so, and i continue to play. when the song ends, it takes a moment for him to come back from his trance.
when he opens his eyes, he makes eye contact with me for a moment, then he leans toward me, placing his lips on mine. i'm taken aback for a moment, and i slowly sink into him. there was something sweet about this kiss. it was gentle, beautiful, passionate. i kiss back, and my eyes are shut and the kiss makes me feel warm, almost tingly.
he breaks away, an apologetic look on his face.
"i-i'm sorry, i didn't-i'm gonna go get some coffee, okay?" he quickly leaves the room, his hand racing through his hair.
i'm left to just sit there, my mouth tingling and left agape. i didn't want it to end.

a little collection
Short Storythis is just comprised of my stories based on other stories on here, movies, songs, poetry, or even my own life experiences and ideas IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER! These stories will have some sensitive situations, such as past abuse or panic attacks, so if...