"Say, sweetcheeks, why don't you ever crack a smile for me? We hang out almost every day." Mark smirks, leaning against the desk.
I roll my eyes, sitting cross-legged on top of the desk. We sit in an empty classroom, in detention with a teacher who didn't bother to show up. But we stayed anyway, because if we didn't, the security guard who mans the hallway would get us.
"Because you never gave me a reason to smile, especially with the whole sweetcheeks thing." I point out, and he pouts.
"C'mon, it suits you." He teases, pinching my cheek. I feel myself blush at his touch, and he smiles a bit.
"See, you say all this, and yet you never pull away or slap away my hand whenever I touch you."
"That's...that's because I..." I trail off, not having an explanation that wouldn't lead to more questions.
"That's because you..." He suddenly grabs me, and picks me up so my legs wrap around his waist. "Want me."
"Ha! You wish." I say, but my voice is feeble.
"I do wish that." He whispers, his eyes torturing me with that same look of lust and something else in them.
This moment feels like an eternity. He doesn't move, and neither do I. My hands are tracing along his neck, his jaw, and his lips.
My breath is hitching just looking at him. I don't know how long we've been this way. I don't care.
"Are you going to take a picture?" I breathe out, breaking the tension. He chuckles, but his eyes stay the same.
"I can, but why would I when I could do this?" And that's when he kisses me, and I kiss him back.
No, no, no, this is not what you want, Lacey! Stop doing this right now!
I'm choosing to ignore the little voice in my head. This feels too damn good to stop.
I run my hands through his hair, and this earns a small groan to emit from his throat. I feel his hand move up my body, his other supporting me, and it moves to my breast under my shirt, and I let out a moan as he starts kneading me.
I move my hand down to his crotch, where a bulge was growing. I look up at him, and he's blushing.
"Bonjour, monsieur." I say, referring to his member.
"God, you're so fucking sexy, Lacey." Mark growls, kissing me harder and grabbing my breast roughly, causing me to moan louder, not caring who'll hear me.
He pulls away, and suddenly puts me down.
"W-what?" I say, stumbling on my words.
"We can't do this." I feel so foolish.
"But nothing. I can't let you become another notch in my belt." Is that how he saw me before?
"Is that how you've always seen me?" I ask, tears brimming my eyes. Shock crosses his face, and then guilt.
"No! No, that's not it at all!"
"Then what is it?" He's silent. It's killing me.
"Because I can't have another slut running all over me." I feel myself crumbling on the inside. I can't believe he actually thought of me as a slut.
I take a few steps toward him, and I slap him. I actually slap him.
He looks taken aback, clutching his now red cheek.
"I am not another one of your fucking sluts. I actually thought you were decent, but it turns out you're just another fucking douchebag. I wanted you. I wanted something with you. But now, no. No way. Fuck. You." I growl, and I storm out of the classroom, not caring about the security guard.
I run. I run past the doors, the parking lot, and I run to the private spot that we shared.
"Because I can't have another slut running all over me."
I can't think of anything except that. I start sobbing, hurt, and sexually frustrated. It hurts.
"Go away, Mark. You've made it perfectly clear that I'm nothing to you."
"That's not true."
"Then why the fuck did you call me a slut!" I yell, shooting up and turning to him.
"Because that's how it starts. They sleep with me, and end up crawling back to me after a few guys." I scoff.
"Wow. I can't believe I ever thought you were a good guy. But now I know you're nothing but an empty-hearted player." I can tell that my words struck a nerve, because hurt and anger stroke his face.
"I'm not, and you know that."
"Prove me wrong, then. Show me that you're not in this for sex, prove to me that you're a good person."
Mark steps toward me, placing a hand at my cheek. He tucks away a strand of hair, and gently pulls me toward him. His lips brush mine, and he kisses me, but it's not passionate, or rough.
Once he pulls away, he looks me dead in the eyes.
"You are more than just a slutty notch on my belt. Why I called you that, I don't know. I was stupid, way stupid. But I think you're amazing. I see you smile, it's like the sun. I see you cry, and I hurt. I want to hold you, I want to know every part of you. I...I love you." He chokes out the last part, and I'm at a loss for words.
I kiss him this time, pulling him so close to me.
"Im sorry." I mumble in between kisses.
"I love you." I whisper, and I mean it.

a little collection
Nouvellesthis is just comprised of my stories based on other stories on here, movies, songs, poetry, or even my own life experiences and ideas IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER! These stories will have some sensitive situations, such as past abuse or panic attacks, so if...