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"Thanks for doing this with me Riles." Farkle closed his eyes and let out a breath. Today was the first time in 2 weeks that he'd be seeing his father. How could a parent kick out their child without a second thought? Without knowing how they're doing?

"You can do it, I'm here for you." I smiled reassuringly. He nodded, turning around to knock on the door.

Only seconds later did his mom answer the door, with bags under her blue eyes. Her blond hair was scooped into a messy bun. "Farkle? Come in!" She exclaimed, motioning for us to enter the house. It was huge- like it always had been; but since I haven't been there in forever it seemed even larger.

"Riley, how are you dear?" She asked as a small puppy jumped onto my lap. It looked like a Pomeranian and a chihuahua had a baby- and then doubled in size.
"We've never gotten to meet properly, but I've heard tons about you! Oh my goodness, you're the daughter of cory and topanga! God, you look just like them." Mrs. Minkus rambled. I grinned at her excitement, happy to see that Farkle's mom wasn't as mean as his dad.

"He's so cute!" I squealed as the puppy licked my face.

"When did you guys get a pet?" Farkle suddenly asked. "I've always wanted one." His mom sighed, sitting him down in front of her.

"I'm sorry your father was so rough on you. I never knew he could be so cruel."

"Me either." Farkle chuckled. "Luckily Riley took me in when she did."

"Yeah, I know." His mother smiled warmly at me. I could see where he got his looks from, she was absolutely gorgeous. Why did she put up with Stuart Minkus? "Keep her around. I know things left off shaky between you two, but Riley..."
Mrs. Minkus motioned for Farkle to leave the room.

"I have to go face my dad anyways." He said, wandering up the steps.

After Farkle was out of sight, his mom turned to me. "It wasn't his fault. Truth is, my husband told Farkle to break up with you so he could focus on his studies.. And so he did." She paused for a bit. "But then he started to feel guilty as time went on. He loves you. He came back for you."

"I know." I whispered, hiding my blushing cheeks in my hands.

"Riley, I told him to do what he thought would be good for him, and you are what he chose. Please forgive him."


"Your mom really made you look good out there ya know." I teased, poking Farkle's stomach. I really did miss him, and I wanted to be more than just friends again. It was only a matter of time before I finally combusted.
We were walking to the park after leaving his house. I couldn't get the words his mom said to me out of my head.

"You are what he chose, he came back for you. Please forgive him."

I did want to, but it seemed as if he weren't ready to forgive himself.

"Oh god, what'd she say?" He laughed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, n-nothing. Hey, we're here!" I changed the subject, running over to the swing set. "Farkle, come push me!"

I was wearing a maroon velvety dress with black ankle boots and a plain black choker, my hair was tied into a high ponytail, which came down to my shoulders.

If Maya was right about anything, it was that I have a changed, but not drastically. People mature, what's wrong with that? I didn't want to be the girl who wore flowers and pretty girly dresses for my whole life.

Farkle rolled his eyes jokingly. "As you say, ms. Matthews."

A brief silence fell between us before he stopped the swing from going any higher. "Not being with you while being with you is really stressful."

"I agree."

"I know you'll probably never take me back but- wait, you what?"

"I agree." I repeated. "If we were dating, I'd call you freaking adorable."

A grin spread across Farkle's face. "If we were dating, I'd tell you that you look... Stunning."

"Well," I hopped off the swing. "If we were dating, I'd probably kiss your cheek."

"If we were dating, I'd probably turn your head mid kiss so that you accidentally kissed me on the lips instead."

I gasped dramatically, going to sit beside him. Farkle tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ears, grabbing one of my hands. He was leaning in, and I pondered on the mere thought of his lips on mine again, like last year.
"Then why aren't we dating?" He quizzed, his face only centimeters away from mine.

"I don't know." I invaded the small amount of space between us. I hesitated for a second before kissing him, all the previous emotions rushing back like a waterfall. He wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me closer than we already were. His breath smelled strongly of mint, unlike Charlies, who's breath usually smelled like cigarettes and spoiled eggs. Yuck.

"I would keep kissing you, but we're not dating."

Middle Of Starting Over (Sequel To Topanga's)Where stories live. Discover now