-twenty five-

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Ever since Lucas came back yesterday, Maya's been happier than ever. He announced that he'd be staying at the end of the night, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ecstatic. The entire gang was back! Maybe this year won't suck so much after all.
"Riley!" Farkle called from the living room. I rushed into his arms, waiting to hear the news.
"I'm officially enrolled in school, And I got the apartment!"
"Farkle, that's amazing!" I grinned, kissing his cheek. "See, everything's starting to fall into place."
He smiled warmly in my direction. "Riles, will you move in with me?"
The only thing on my mind was farkle's lingering question. He wants me to move in with him? What would my parents say? Of course I wanted to, but am I ready to? All these questions haunted my dreams throughout the night, so much that I tossed and turned every two minutes. I eventually decided to get a glass of milk in attempt to fall back asleep.
While I was in the kitchen, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist- none other than farkle's.
I lifted the glass to my lips, still uneasy about the moving in thing.
"Riles, you don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought it'd be nice to have some company, you know?"
I turned around to face his warm blue eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean I could ask Lucas, but I wanted to ask you first."

"I'd love to move in, farkle. But I'm not sure if it's the right thing right now. I mean, we're going to the same college, we go to the same school, you work at my mom's bakery, and you even live here.. and sleep in my bed. It's like we're married already!" I chuckle, and farkle laughs along.

"If this is what its like to be married to you, don't be surprised if I get down on one knee in the future." 

"I'll be waiting." I smiled, planting a kiss on his lips.

"I love you, Riley." He grinned.

"I love you too, freckles. Now let's go back to bed, moving day is tomorrow."


Farkle's apartment was unbelievably huge. So much for "small." Maya, Zay and lucas had the same reaction, as they all froze in their steps after entering.
"This is where I'll be living? Sick!" Lucas exclaimed, squeezing Maya closer to him.

"You didn't tell me it had three bedrooms, farkle." I said slowly, bringing him in the kitchen. "How are you gonna pay for all of this?"

"Well between you and me, my mom is helping me out." He smiled, dangling the keys mid-air.

"I thought the whole point of this was to be independent? To not have to depend on your parents?" I questioned.

"Riles, it's the only apartment close to the school, and the only apartment that was actually decent."

I let out a sigh. "Yes farkle, I'll move in."

"You will!" His eyes lit up. "You're amazing, Riley Matthews!" Farkle picked me up and spun me around.

"Woah, what'd we miss?" Maya laughed, lucas trailing behind her, his shirt wrinkled and unbuttoned. Geez, you can't leave those two alone for two minutes.

"Guess we have a new roommate!" Farkle smirked in Lucas's direction.

"Yay..." Lucas smiled tightly.

Middle Of Starting Over (Sequel To Topanga's)Where stories live. Discover now