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"What about this dress?" Maya held up a tight black tube dress with a jewel studded belt. I nearly fainted at the sight of the thing.
"It's..beautiful. A little too beautiful." I added, taking the dress from her. Maybe for prom, but certainly not for a little school dance.
I continued to browse the dresses on the rack, in hopes of finding the perfect one. If I'm being honest, I really want to go to the dance with Farkle, but I couldn't bring myself to admit so.
As I was gazing, one red dress in particular caught my eye. It was absolutely gorgeous, with a sweetheart neckline, its knee length, and fluffy texture below the waistline.
"This is perfect!" I squealed, showing Maya, who held her mouth wide open.

"Hell yeah!" She exclaimed, pushing me into the dressing room. "Go try it on!"
I laughed at her excitement, some of it rubbing off on myself. I don't have time to sit and be stuck on a guy who broke up with me. I want to enjoy my senior year, and that's what I'm doing. I unlocked my iPhone and read the last text my date sent me.

Let me know what the theme is! Xx

I sucked in a deep breath and smiled tightly, bringing my Snapchat camera to my dress. After taking the picture, I sent it to Elliot.

The theme is red :) x


"You look... Wow." Farkle's eyes trailed over my body. I wanted nothing but to feel his hands on my waist, instead of Elliot's. I wanted to dance with him, the love of my life. I was getting ready to head out the door, but I couldn't. Not under Farkle's gaze. "I have to meet Elliot..." I mumbled, avoiding his dark blue eyes.
"Why don't you like me anymore?" He asked, a hurt expression on his face. Without any hesitation, he pulled me into his arms, kissing me passionately, his hands running through my hair.

I woke up with a gasp. The drool on my pillow was in my hair as well, clinging onto my cheek. "Ugh.." I mumbled, throwing my hair up in a ponytail.
I rolled over and checked the time on my alarm clock.
I'm late, I overslept.
I sighed heavily and got up, trudging into the living room, where Farkle was on the couch, watching the news channel. I never understand why people watched that, it's literally a snore fest.
"Good morning." I said softly, still feeling a little awkward around him. The dream continued to replay in my mind as he turned around, a wide smile on his face.

"Morning beautiful."

His voice was sleepy and deeper than usual, which made me blush in embarrassment. I'm seriously screwed up. Stop thinking about Farkle!

"I overslept, so I guess I'll stay home today." I chuckled, heading into the bathroom. Farkle followed behind me.
"You sure, Riles? I could walk you to school If you'd like." I avoided looking into his eyes, especially after the dream I had.

"Yeah I'm sure." I smiled. "Maybe we can get breakfast or something."

"Yeah, that sounds good." Farkle paused. "Hey, isn't your dance tonight?"

"Yeah, it's no big deal though. Just a stupid dance." I lied.

"No it isn't! I'm sorry I can't go with you, I just don't want to... Lead you on."

Lead me on? So he doesn't like me anymore? He's leading me on just by being here.
"Y-yeah, it's totally fine. I'm going with a friend anyway."

"Who, Maya?" He joked.

"Nope, Elliot."

"Elliot Baker? Hasn't he had a crush on you ever since our freshman year? What's the deal with him anyways, he's not that good looking."
I rolled my eyes at his response. How dare he judge my date? I tried to hold in my anger, but I can't not say anything.

"Okay Farkle, you break up with me, and now you're jealous of my date?"

"Who said I was jealous!" He shouted, face redder than a tomato.

"You sure seem like it."

"Okay well maybe I'll never get over you. Maybe I don't want to ruin your life again, or break your heart again, or hold you back."

"But you're not, I love you Farkle."

Middle Of Starting Over (Sequel To Topanga's)Where stories live. Discover now