-twenty eight-

286 11 3

WARNING: dramatic asf!


Maya and I decided to go to the mall after school to distract me from worrying about farkle.
"Riles, the boy is 6 foot and at least 100 pounds." She laughed. I rolled my eyes, but took her word for it. "You're right," I sighed, picking up a cute floral top. "He'll be fine."
"Attagirl!" Maya patted my back. "That shirts cute, go try it on."
I obeyed her order and wandered to the fitting room in the back of the store. After knocking, I entered the small smelly stall. Somebody didn't know how to use deodorant. Ew. Uncomfortable with changing somewhere where I could be exposed at any minute, I quickly squeezed into the top and admired myself in the mirror. "Hm, not bad." I said to myself. Just as I was about to walk out to show Maya, she pushed open the door frantically, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out.
"Maya, what is your problem!" I managed to shout as she continued to drag me out of the store, causing the alarm to go off.
"Shit!" She cursed, watching as a store employee rushed towards us.
"Great." I exclaimed. "Now we're going to jail!"

"What is going on here?" The employee questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not what it looks like." Maya explained.

"Yeah, it's not." I said quietly.

"You see, my boyfriend has been seriously injured and we need to go, like right now."

"What?" My jaw dropped in shock. Out of all people- Including farkle- Lucas was hurt? It seemed like everything was backwards nowadays.

"Ma'am, I understand, but you can't just run out of the store without paying-"

"Here's 15 dollars, let's go Maya!" I ran out the store, Maya following after me.


Once we arrived at the hospital, we spotted farkle in the lobby, pacing back and forth. I rushed into the hospital and into his arms. "What happened!"
Farkle stared at me in shock. "There was so much blood... His bone..."
Unsatisfied with his answer, Maya grasped him by his shirt and shook him. "What happened to my boyfriend!"
"I-i don't.."
"He's obviously in shock, Maya!" I snapped, running a hand through my hair.
"No it's okay, I know you're scared Maya." Farkle engulfed her in a hug.
Just then, the doctor, a woman who looked about in her fourties with firey red hair and blue eyes walked towards Lucas' parents. They spoke quietly for a few seconds before his mom nodded and hugged her husband, who walked over to us.
"Good news?" He said, unsure of himself. "Lucas only dislocated his knee."
Maya let out a sigh of relief.
"But-" His mother continued. "He will need surgery in about two to three weeks, after the swelling goes down."

"It's funny," I turned to Farkle. "I was expecting you to get hurt. I'm glad you're okay." He hugged me tightly, pulling apart to look me in my eyes. "I'm okay, but this is about Lucas right now. Go comfort Maya." I nodded, walking over to where she was sitting, a blank expression on her face.
"You know, it's pretty amazing how you never cry." I said to break the ice.
She shrugged, still looking down.
"I've only ever seen you cry once."

"can't cry when you're numb." She sniffled softly, burying her head into my chest. "I feel silly now, crying over a dislocated knee. But when farkle called me, the tone in his voice? I thought I was gonna lose him. I can't lose the second important guy in a girl's life, I already don't have the first."

"Maya, you have Shawn. And you have me, and you have my family. Even farkle, and your mom and Lucas. Screw your dad for leaving you. But you have us, now. Lucas is okay and that's all that matters." I smiled, kissing the top of her head.

I mentally noted today as the second time I've seen Maya cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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