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With all the stress of Farkle and I breaking up, school, and life period, I totally forgot about the fall ball on Friday. Who the hell am I gonna bring? I ran my hand through my hair as I paced my bedroom floor. What if I brought Charlie, just to make Farkle jealous? No no, Riley, you can't do that! That's evil.
The more I thought about it though, the more it appealed to me. Wow. Maya sure is rubbing off on me.

"Riles?" My dad entered my room.

"Hey, daddy. What's up?"

"Well, I was thinking. You're in your senior year and all, so I figured we should spend some quality time together? Go out to eat or something."

"Of course, I'll be ready in a sec." I smiled. After he closed the door, I sat on my bed. Without any more thought, I pulled out my phone.

Hey, Elliot. Wanna go to the fall ball together?


"This is so good!" My dad's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he took another bite of his Philly cheese steak.

"Tell me about it!" I agreed. After about 5 minutes of bickering, we decided on eating brunch at a small restaurant in the heart of Manhattan.

"So, tell me about school. How's that thing going?"

"It's great! But between me and you, I don't really know if I wanna go to NYU anymore."

My dad widened his eyes. "What do you mean? You've been wanting this ever since last year!"

"Y-yeah, I know-"

"You aren't letting anybody talk you out of this are you?"

"No." I lied. "It's just.. My teachers expect more from me than just a school for arts and designing and.. "Wannabe hoodlums.""

"Riley, Riley, Riley." He chuckled. "You know, when I told Shawn about proposing to topanga, he thought I was crazy. Didn't think we would last outside of high school. In fact, a lot of people thought that we were too young."

"You've told me this story a thousand times, dad." I said softly, jealous of his and my mom's relationship, that was supposed to be like me and Farkle's.

"My point is, if I would have let everyone who doubted me talk me out of marrying your mother, you probably wouldn't have been born!"

I sighed heavily, knowing that he was telling the truth. If I let other people talk me out of doing what I feel is right, I'll never be happy. "Thanks, dad."

"Always, sweetheart. Now, is Farkle the reason you don't want to go?"

"No! He has nothing to do with it, I promise." I laughed at his reddened face.


What? Really? Of course I'll go with you!

Great, he said yes. If you're wondering, Elliot is just a friend... One who kind of sort of has a crush on me. I sort of feel bad for leading him on, but he is kinda cute. Maybe it's time to get over Farkle, step outside of my comfort zone a little.
I hesitantly lifted up my phone to show Maya the texts. After reading them she immediately smiled demonically. "You're going with Elliot?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah I guess so!" I said loudly on purpose, hoping that Farkle would hear me from the living room. He was playing some video game with Auggie, who was tragically behind. I watched as he let out a laugh, ruffling my little brothers hair. God, he's so cute.

"Hello! Earth to Riley!" Maya rolled her eyes.

"Oh, sorry what?"

"I said, what are you gonna wear to the dance?"

I thought for a minute. There are so many options, but I want to wear something that'll leave Farkle speechless.
"Let's go shopping." I smiled, looking back at my ex-boyfriend.

Middle Of Starting Over (Sequel To Topanga's)Where stories live. Discover now