-twenty six-

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After farkle and Lucas helped me move some of my things to the apartment, we all went to topanga's. Maya and Lucas sat across from me, Zay and Farkle.
"Here's to being together again." I made a toast. We all clicked our hot chocolates together, the smiles on our faces unbreakable. We were finally the ot5 again, and nothing would break that up.
"So lucas," Zay started. "How was Texas?"

"It was the same as always." He chuckled, looking down.

"Oh really? I heard you met a little honey." Zay raised an eyebrow.

This wasn't gonna be pretty.

"Little honey?" Maya questioned, in which Lucas eyed Zay in annoyance.

"I met a girl, but nothing happened. She liked me, but I only love one person, and that's you, Maya." He grabbed her hands.

Zay rolled his eyes, excusing himself from the table.
"Zay, wait." I went after him. The last time I saw him act like this was when smackle cheated on him last school year. "What's wrong?" I asked, setting a hand on his shoulder.
"Back in Texas, I was in love with a girl who didn't give me the time a day."

"And that's the girl who liked Lucas?" I realized, pulling him in for a hug.

"All my life, Lucas got all the attention, all the praise, the girls. And me? I'm the comic relief." He snorted.

"Zay, you're so much more than that. You're handsome, kind, funny, and a great friend." I looked over at farkle, who was busy talking to Lucas and Maya. If he knew about me and Zay kissing, he'd be furious. I cleared my throat and broke our embrace. "Now go back out there and be yourself, the best there is." I smiled, shooing him away.

I stayed at the bar, where Ms. Hart met my eyes with a smile. "Trouble in paradise?" She asked, wiping her floury hands on her apron.
"It's just, something happened between me and Zay, and I don't know if I should tell farkle or not."

"Tell me what?"

I whipped around to meet Farkle's gorgeous smile. Ms Hart winked and went back to serving the customers. I mentally face palmed. Now I have no choice but to tell him.
"Me and Zay kissed."

Farkle looked confused for a minute, letting out a nervous laugh. "What? When?"

"About a month ago. When we weren't talking, or together. I was vulnerable, and he kissed me, and I didn't stop it."

"Riley, it's okay. I'm glad you told me." He smiled, pulling me into his arms.

"If it makes you feel better, we both put it behind us and agreed to never talk about it." I laughed into the crook of his neck. This is why I loved him, he never blamed me for anything, instead he supported me, and most importantly, he understood me.

"Yeah, I'd like to put the thought as behind me as possible." He joked, leading me back to the table.

"Guys?" I spoke up. "Let's promise to never keep secrets from each other."

"Agreed." Everyone said in unison.

Middle Of Starting Over (Sequel To Topanga's)Where stories live. Discover now