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"Here are your grades, Matthews. Excellent again!" My English teacher smiled, his young brown mustache curling at the sides. "Have you considered looking into Harvard, Yale, maybe Stanford?"

"Actually no, sir. I plan to go to NYU."

"Well that's a shame then," he continued. "Your grades are worthy of excellent schools."

"Well isn't nyu an... Excellent school?"

"Well, for wannabe hoodlums maybe, but certainly not for smart kids like you."

I thought long and hard about his response. I wasn't gonna let some uptight man make my future plans for me. "Y-yeah, thank you, Mr."
I headed back to my seat next to Missy, who was frowning at her own report card.

"What's up, Missy?"

"This." She scowled, slamming the small white card onto my desk. I read over her grades silently, Three b minuses, two A's and one C. Not bad, but not comparable to mine, all A's- with the exception of one A minus.

"Oh, please, it's not like the college you're applying for won't accept you because of one C, Mis."

"Oh, really?" She lifted her head. "Well then I'd just love to see your report card then!"

I blushed and hid my card under the palm of my hands. "It's pretty average, it's nothing." I stammered.

Before I got a chance to react, Missy snatched the card from under my hands with a smirk. "Let's see... All A's, huh?" She paused for a second before nodding. "Good job, Matthews. I bet you're going to some fancy schmancy school right?"


that?" She repeated.

"Yup, that's what I said!" I covered up my humiliation with humor.

"Oh, well, that's kind of a let down." Missy laughed coldly, handing me back my report card.

"Yeah.. Whatever."


As me and Maya walked home, the thought of going to college with Farkle seemed less appealing than yesterday. I mean, yes, I love him, and I want to be with him, that's a no-brainer. But with everyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do, and where I should and shouldn't go, I have to admit, it's getting to me.
Maya could tell that something was up, being that she squinted her eyes at me, as if trying to read my mind or something.
"What's wrong, Ri-Ri?"

"Nothing." I lied, forcing a smile. I've been doing that a lot, lately.

"You sure?"

"I'm positivity positive!" I grinned, linking arms with her.

"That's my girl. So, how are you and Freckles?"

I chuckled, knowing she meant Farkle. "We're good. I guess. He's moving into his apartment next week."

"At least he's not in Texas!" Maya laughed.

"Yeah, but he won't be in my bed anymore, either." I muttered.

"What did you just say?" Maya opened her mouth in shock.


She smirked, poking my cheek. "That's what I thought."

Hmm, will Riley still choose NYU? Quick little update before the next big chapter, be prepared for these plot twists I have in store! :p

Happy holidays loves x

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