-twenty seven-

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Today was farkle's first day back in school, and I couldn't wait to show off the good marks I've been getting. I grinned when he and Lucas strolled into the room, sitting in the seats I saved for them on either side of me.
"Hey roomies." I smiled, and they returned it.
"Can you and Farkle make out a little quieter, maybe? Your sucking and moaning kept me up." Lucas joked, earning a glare from me and Farkle.

"Ah, I see we have some new faces?" Ms. Akaveli raised an eyebrow.

"I'm farkle minkus." Farkle stood up, Lucas following. "I'm Lucas friar."
A girl whistled from the back room. "And I have a girlfriend." He winked at the curly haired girl.

"Since you all seem to know each other already, Riley will help you two catch up, won't you Riley?" She smiled in my direction.

"Of course!" I responded, pulling my geography folder out of my bag.
"We're working on these work sheets for a week, since we finished our unit early."

Lucas nodded, while farkle groaned.
"What's wrong farkle?" I questioned, watching as he grew uninterested.

"I guess I'm just used to college, that's all." He chuckled.

"Isn't college more work?" Lucas asked.

"Well yeah, that's my point. I like being challenged, this is chump work."

Lucas glanced at me, and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I looked down at my paper and cleared my throat. "Well let's get started."


Having Farkle back was nice and all, but I couldn't help but be annoyed at his attitude. He complained about everything, to the food at lunch, to the work, to the teachers. Now that he experienced College, high school was like pre-K for him. Or maybe he just had senioritis. Maya noticed my silence and stopped painting to poke me with the paintbrush.
"What's up, rainbow?"

"N-nothing, just tired is all."

Maya smirked, but said nothing.

"No, no, no, no no no." I laughed, my cheeks getting hot.

"Hey, maybe I should move in with you guys." She grinned. "It'll be like friends, except we're still in highschool..." She trailed off.

"Yeah, that would be awesome! What about your future baby brother? Won't you have to help take care of him?"

"Yeah of course, but my mom can bring him over, or something."

I smiled widely in her direction. Could things get any better? I'm living with my best friends, my boyfriend is back, I'm acing school. It felt surreal.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. After putting up our art supplies, me and peaches headed out the door to go meet with our significant others.
"Girls!" Lucas voice sounded from behind us. We both turned around, seeing him and farkle with piles of forms in their hands.

"Hey babe!" I exclaimed, engulfing him in a hug.

"So me and lucas have some news." He said smugly.

"We're trying out for the football team!" Lucas said, he and Farkle bumping chests.
"Ouch." Farkle winced, causing Maya to burst into laughter.

"I understand lucas, but you farkle?" Maya teased, now arm in arm with lucas.

"I believe in Farkle. He's definitely got the body for it." I winked.

"Let's go Luke, tryouts are in five." Farkle kissed my forehead and went off with lucas.

"See you at the apartment, Riles." Lucas called from down the hall. I gave him a thumbs up.

Farkle playing football? What dimension was I in?

Middle Of Starting Over (Sequel To Topanga's)Where stories live. Discover now