Part 1

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Me and my sister Wolfie are getting ready in the alley way of the Los Santos bank to steal some money from the bank. "Are you sure we can't just steal money from a house"? Wolfie said and I turned to her with a serious look. "Wolfie for the hundredth time yes I'm sure". I said and she looked nervous." Wolfie don't you want more food and get better clothes". I said and she sighed and nodded. "Great". So when I checked to see if there isn't anyone looking, I saw a group of people with weapons and wearing masks getting ready to rob the bank. Wolfie kept telling me to go but I told her to quiet down." Blaze what's wrong?". She said and I made her look with me." Blaze what are we going to do?". She said and I felt anger in me. There was four people wait outside in front of a car. We kept staring at them until someone saw us and told his little buddies. I told Wolfie a plan of taking the money from the people that was robbing as well. The man and his friends kept staring at us until the man was making hand jesters at us. He was saying if you try to get the money we will kill you. The man was wearing a pig mask and he looked angry. But I wouldn't listen to the likes of him. So once the rest of the people came out, the last guy was wearing owl mask had a big bag of money. So I had the opportunity to use my super speed to take the bag of money. Once they saw me take it, one guy in a monkey mask yelled "HEY" and they started to run after me. Wolfie was following me with her super speed and was running next to me." There on our tail" Wolfie said and I told her to run with the money because she was faster than me because of me having less speed. I also told her to split up and she did. So we split up and so did the group of men. They were on my tail until one jump on me and tackled me. " Get off of me". " Nope". The guy said."Good job moo!"" Now the Vanoss and the others need to get his little friend"." But until then let get this one to the hideout". One guy said and I gave him a death glare. This guy was wearing some shades so he wasn't wearing a mask. Me and Wolfie were both wearing a hoodie and a mask but these guys didn't have the time to take mine off so they just tied me up and they guy wearing shades got in the driver's seat and drove off.
Blaze's thought: "I hope those other guys didn't get Wolfie".
I tried to break free until I got hit in the head knocking me out.

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