Part 24

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Once Vanoss left the room, I looked at Wolfie and frowned.
Blaze's thought:"Why did it have to be her? She shouldn't have to go through this pain".
I kissed Wolfie on the forehead goodnight and got in my bed and went to sleep.

Next Day
I woke up from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I was done, I got dressed into some clothes that the guys gave me. I wore a black t- shirt, blue sweats. Came out of the bathroom to see Wolfie. I looked at her and she was awake." Hey sis". I said." Hi". She said groaning from the pain." Do you need some help getting up?" I asked and she nodded. So I gently grabbed her and got her to up her feet." I'm going to take a shower". She said." Will you be ok". I said and she rolled her eyes." Blaze I'm fine walking to the bathroom, I didn't get shot on the leg". She said walking to the bathroom." Well I will be leaving the room to eat ok". I said." Ok". She said inside the bathroom. So I left the room into the hallway and walked to the living room. All of the guys were at the dining table so I walked to the kitchen. Then everyone saw me and just stared." Good morning, Blaze". Moo said." Hi". I said and grabbed a apple from the fruit bowl." Is that all your going to eat?" Nogla asked." Yeah, I'm not really hungry". I said eating my apple. Then Vanoss came into the room and looked at me." Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" I said and he kept glaring at me." Can I talk to you?" He said and just shrugged and followed him." What's up?" I said and he just stand there." Well I want to-". He said and I cut him off." You want to confess to Wolfie". I said grinning." How do you know?" He asked." I have my ways". I said." You can try". I said." But before you do it, I will warn you something". I said and I walked to his ear." Break her heart and I break your neck". I whisper to his ear. I heard him swallowed hard and he just stared at me.
Blaze's thought:" I wonder when he going to confess to her, but if he hurts her, I will murder him".
Then we both saw Wolfie walking to us." Hey guys". She said." Hi sis". I said and she was wearing a white t- shirt and jeans and the black and white clip on flower that she wore for the club. I saw that Vanoss was blushing and I was giggling from that." I will leave you two alone". I said. Wait what?" Vanoss said and I ran away from them. I got back to the guys and they were all watching Wildcat and Lui wrestling on the floor in the living room." Hey guys". I said." Where's Wolfie Blaze?" Cartoonz asked." She's just with Vanoss". I said and he has a angry look on his face. He got up and left the room.

I was too nervous to talk to Wolfie but I really want to confess." S-So how is your shoulder?" I said shaking up." It's getting there, I guess". She said." Well I need to be going to Blaze". She said and walk pass me." Wait Wolfie". I said and grabbed her by her hand, which made her turn pink. She looked at me still pink." Can I show you something?" I said and she nodded. I told her to covered her eyes and she did and I took her arm and took her upstairs to the porch." Where are we going?" Wolfie said." You'll see". I said. We got to the top and I told her to open her eyes. She did and she was surprised." You like it?" I asked." Like it, I love it!" She said looking at the beautiful sky." Thanks Evan it's beautiful". She said and she hugged me. I hugged back and smiled."Your welcome". I said and we both looked at each other. I kept staring at her and lean close to her and kissed her on the cheek. Her wolf ears went up and she was blushing madly and she touched her cheek and smiled. But then out of nowhere Cartoonz he came and looked angry as ever." YOU!" He yelled and ran to me and pushed me." What the heck is your problem?!?" I said with a angry tone." This is what you get for stealing Wolfie". He said and looked at Wolfie and kissed her on the lips. She was blushing madly and was stepping back. I was so furious that I punch him in the face. He was bleeding so bad and he punched me in the face as well. Wolfie ran up to us and got between us." Stop it you two". She said and we both stopped." Your both are acting like children. Stop the violence right now". She said." You two are supposed to be good friends and not fight over something like a girl". She said and we both looked at each other." Luke, you shouldn't have punched Evan". She said." But I like you too". Cartoonz said. We never saw Wolfie angry like this before." I'm done with this, I'm going to hang out with Jonathan". She said and walked out of the porch. Me and Cartoonz looked at each other and looked back." Maybe she right, we shouldn't be fighting over a girl". Cartoonz said." Yeah". I said." If you really like her that much Evan than you can go". Cartoonz said." Thanks". I said." We cool now?" He said and I nodded. We both walked out of the porch and went back to the living room. Wolfie was with Delirious talking about something stupid on the couch and the rest were still watching Wildcat and Lui wrestling on the floor. I sat on the couch next to Wolfie and she looked at me and smiled and looked back to Delirious.
Vanoss's thought:" Well I'm glad we have that out of the way. But tomorrow is going to be a robbery day so Blaze and Wolfie better be ready".
I told everyone that they will be another robbery to do and they all look ready. So they all went to their rooms and i went to my room to and went to take a nap.

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