Part 25

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The next day, me and Blaze was getting ready for the robbery so I put on a red t- shirt, blue sweats, and sneakers and also my dark blue hoodie and so did Blaze with his black hoodie. We went into the living room to see everyone ready for it." Hey guys". Blaze said." Hey you two". Vanoss said." Wolfie are you sure you will be ok? You got shot. Shouldn't you rest your shoulder?" Lui said." It's ok, I'm strong enough to do this mission". I said." That's what I like to hear". Vanoss said." Let's do this". Vanoss said and we all went outside and into two cars. We drove to a store and got out weapons ready." Nogla you know what to do right?" Vanoss said and Nogla nodded. Well all put our masks on, shades on and got out of the car." On my signal guys". Vanoss said and we all nodded."1,2..3". He said and got we got inside the store." EVERYONE ON THE GROUND NOW!" He said. Everyone got on the ground trying not to get shoot." Give me all of the money now!" He said holding a bag and the clerk started to fill the bag up with money. I heard the police sirens before the rest did." Guys we got to go!" I said and we all ran out of the store. Mini,Cartoonz,Ohm,Terroriser, and Lui all escaped with the other car so me, Vanoss, Wildcat, Delirious, Blaze and Moo and Basically were still running from the cops. Then a dead end of a brick wall came and we were trapped." Shoot they are going to find us". Wildcat said." Hold on guys". I said and they all looked at me." I have a plan". I said taking my claws out and Blaze had a smirk on his face and took his claws out too. Me and Blaze started to climb on top of the wall and helped the guys up. We all were on top of the wall and jump over to get to the car. We found Nogla with the car and got in and drove off." You two are the best in the gang". Vanoss said." Thanks we try". Blaze said wrapping his arm around me." Seriously how do you guys not even get busted when you guys are doing this alone?" Moo asked." Well that's our wolf part of us. Were stronger". I said." Were faster". Blaze said." And were more intelligent than the cops". I said." The idea of you two climbing the wall was really a smart move". Moo said." Yep, all thanks to our strong claws". Blaze said. Then we heard some gunshots coming to us." What the heck?!?" Nogla said. We all looked at the back window to see another gang shooting at us." It's the Royals! Quick shoot them!" Vanoss said and we all pulled out our guns and started to shoot. Wildcat was pulling grenades and was throwing it at them. Then Nogla made a left which was a bad turn and made it to a field." YOU IDIOT! WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A LEFT!?!" Wildcat said." Sorry but It was the only way to go". Nogla said. We all got out of the car and the Royals were getting out as well. The leader of the Royals were walked to us with some men to protect him." Well, if it isn't the Vanoss crew". He said." What do you want Daniel? Can't you see we weren't bothering you?" Evan said." I'm not here to kill you. I'm here for these wolves hybrids you have in your group". He said. Evan was surprised and he grabbed me and pulled me behind him and the rest did with Blaze."What is it that you want with them?" Delirious said." Well I want one of them for the reason". He said." What reason?" Evan said." Well one of them has a power in them that they never use and they know they have it in them. I want to have one of them in my group". He said." Why should we give them to you?" Moo said." Cause they would do all the missions easier. So who is it and they have to join or else". He said." Or else what?" Evan said." We will kill you all off right here". He said." Give us a minute". Evan said." Fine." He said. Evan turned around to us and had I serious face on." Now what, we can't give one of them up". Moo said." I don't know but who is it with the power he talking about?" Evan and and looked at me and Blaze." Who is it?" Evan said." I don't know". I said.

I couldn't tell that Wolfie was the one with this power this guy is talking about. Then Vanoss looked at me and Wolfie." Who is it?" He asked." I don't know". Wolfie said. I couldn't let this guy take Wolfie so I needed to lie. We all were talking until the leader spoke." Times up, now Who is it?" He asked. They were all scared to say something but I finally spoke." It's me". I said and the guys all looked at me in shocked." Ok then, come to me then". He said." Let me first say goodbye". I said." Fine". He said." Its you?!?" Wildcat said." Yeah it is". I said and Wolfie walk to me and hugged me." Blaze, I don't want you to go". She said about to cry." I don't want them to hurt you guys so I'm going".I said." Wolfie please don't make this hard as it already is". I said beginning to cry." What am I going to do without you? Your the one I have when mom and dad left us".She said." Sis please stay strong. The guys will be there for you". I said looking at her." But I'll miss you". She said." I'll miss you too". I said wiping the tears off her face then kissing her on the forehead. Then I looked at guys and they were also sad as well." Take good care of her for me". I said to Vanoss and he nodded. We shook hands and I walked to the leader of the Royals." That took a while now let's go". He said having two guards next to me so I won't escape. I looked back by the guys and waved at them. Then I got into the car with the Royals and drove off.
Blaze's thought:"I'm so sorry Wolfie and you guys".

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