Part 26

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I hated to see that Blaze was being taken away for something like this. Wolfie was crying a lot to see her own flesh and blood leave with the enemy." Cmon guys, we need to go". I said and they nodded and they walked to the car. Wolfie was on the ground pouring her eyes out so I went to her and put my hand on her shoulder which made her look up at me." Cmon Wolfie we need to go". I said and she wiped her eyes and nodded and we got into the car and drove off. Everyone was quiet and upset all the way back to the hideout. We got to the hideout with the bag of money and went inside. The rest were cheering that we got the robbing completed. Mae was here as well for Wolfie. They all looked at us and was still cheering." Hey guys, what's with the sad faces, we did it". Mini said. Then they realize that Blaze wasn't here." Where's Blaze?" Terroriser said. Wolfie's wolf ears went down and started to cry again and ran to her room." Wolfie come back". Mae said running after her." What happened?" Cartoonz said. Wildcat and Delirious were really angry that they went to their rooms and slammed their doors." We lost him to the Royals". Basically said and they were all got upset too." What! Why did they take him?" Ohm said." Because Daniel said that one of them had a power inside them and he wanted to take one of them so Blaze said he had it". I said." That selfish little-". Moo said." It was too hard for Wolfie to see that". I said." We need to get him back". Terroriser said." Yeah but the question is how?" I said." We'll need to make a plan but not today. It's too stressful to be doing that today". I said and they nodded and I walked to my room. Then Mae passed me and stopped her." How is she holding up Mae?" I said." She still crying. I don't blame her. Having to see a sibling leave just isn't something you wouldn't cry about". She said and walked away. I went to Wolfie's room to see her sitting against the wall on her bed with her wolf ears down and her head to her knees still crying. I walked her and sat next to her and put my arm around her. She looked at me and hugged me still crying and I hugged back." Shhhhhhhhhh Wolfie, please calm down. It's ok, it's ok". I said trying to calm her down." He was the only one I had Evan. Ever since my mom and dad left us, he was the one who took care of me. I feel so alone. I feel like everyone I care about would leave me".Wolfie said sniffling. Hearing her say this breaks my heart. How could she say this? She shouldn't be saying this at all." It's ok Wolfie, we will try to get him back. I won't let that guy hurt you".
I said and she looked at me and smiled." Thank you Evan. You're the best". She said hugging me and I smiled."Cmon let's go hangout with the others". I said and she nodded. We both walk out of the room and in the living room where very one was watching tv." Hey how you holding up Wolfie?" Moo asked." I'm fine". She said and sat on the couch." Well that's good". Cartoonz said." I'm going to the kitchen". She said and got up and walked to the kitchen. Then everyone had their eyes on me when she left."What?" I said." You know what Evan". Wildcat said." I really don't know what your talking about". I said." About Wolfie of course". Mini said." Have you did it yet?" Mini said. I froze a bit and turn pink." Well no I haven't". I said and they all groaned annoyed." Why won't you do it already, she isn't with anyone, plus to two have been getting close as well". Nogla said." Well I-". I said being cut off." No you will tell her, it's been a month and a half and you haven't even told her". Wildcat said." We all know you have a thing for her Evan and your just chicken to tell her". Lui said." I'll tell her soon". I said." You better". Nogla said.
Vanoss's thought:" Wow, the guys are really pushing me to confess to Wolfie. Well I will tell her soon. I bet she has a lot in her mind right now".

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