Part 18

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"Where are those girls?" Lui said." Calm yourself they be out soon". I said." We here!" Mae said and we all looked at them and widened our eyes." H-hi". Wolfie said looking shy as ever.
Vanoss's and Cartoonz's thought:" Wow, she's beautiful".
"Cmon lets go party!" Blaze said and we cheered and ran outside to the car. I managed to sit next to Wolfie and started to talk to her." Hey Wolfie". I said and she looked at me." H-hi Evan". She said still looking shy." Yeah party!" Basically yelled and we all laughed. We were almost there to the club and me and Wolfie started a conversation." Favorite song?" I said and she thinks." I would say Partners In Crime". She said." Why that song?" I asked." It reminds me of me and Blaze doing crime". She said and I grin for a bit." We have arrived to our destination ladies and gentlemen". Wildcat said and we all cheered.

??? POV
I came out of the club because it was too loud. So I just looked at the sky thinking of them. Once I looked down, a car pulled over next to me. I didn't really care until some of the people came out. Then there was these two people. They both had the ears of a wolf and the eyes of a wolf. But they looked familiar to me. Then I finally realized who they are.
???'s thought:" Blaze? Wolfie? No no it can't be. Their poor, that can't be them. I'll try something".
"BLAZE! WOLFIE!" I said and turned my head around. They started to look who yelled their names and so did the group of people they were with. Then they started to look at me and I looked at them. I realize it was them and I smiled." Don't you remember me? It's me... Fang". I said and the two wolves looked shocked but the girl wolf covered her mouth with her hands and started to tear up." FANG!" She yelled running to me." Wolfie get back here!" The guy in red suit on. She didn't stop, I held my arms out and she held her arms out and she jumped to me and I twirled her around and hugged her." I missed you so much Fang". She said still tearing up." I missed you too Wolfie". I said putting her down and kissed her on her forehead. The group of people ran up to us and stopped in front of us." Uh Wolfie you know him?" A person said wear a light blue shirt." He's my best friend since I was 11". She said." Nice to meet you". I said and they look a bit surprised. I looked at the guy who was wearing a red suit and was next to Blaze and I could tell that he wasn't happy with me but I didn't care." Blaze". I said." Fang". Blaze said with a grin on his face." Well we got to go party!" A guy in a squeaky voice said. They all walk in the club." You coming Wolfie?" The guy in a red suit said." Yeah I'll be there". She said and he just shrugged and went inside."Wolfie wait". I said and grabbed her arm." Wolfie who were those people with you and Blaze?" I asked." They're my new friends we met a month ago". She said." Have they hurt you?" I asked." No of course not". She said." Want to come and catch up inside?" I asked and she nodded. We both went inside and sat at the bar table." So how were you and Gabby coming along?" She asked." Actually, well she had to do some business so I told her that I wanted to come back here. I said and she smiled ." Well I'm glad to see you again and it's been so long since I seen you". She said still tearing up." Well we got all in our minds and I barely even see her". I said." But enough about me, how's my little wolf soldier doing since I left the city?" I said making her smile." Well I been doing well since with my group of friends". She said." And they are really nice and fun to hangout with". She said." Do you have a leader?" I asked and she nodded." He's the one wearing the red suit". She said pointing at him. I looked at him and I realized that he is the one with a grudge on me." I don't think he's likes me Wolfie". I said and her making a confused look." Why do you say that?" She asked." Well the way he looked at me outside doesn't seem like he likes me". I said." But I don't really care". I said." Well he can be grouchy at times but he can be a little softy as well". She said. " I just still can believe I found you guys Wolfie, I missed you so much". I said making her smile." I missed you too Fang". She said and we hugged.
Fang's thought:" It's been years since I been with them, and now I'm with Wolfie and Blaze, my life has changed. There were like family to me when mom and dad died. But now I'm back with them again, but I will have to leave soon. But I really don't want to leave and but I do want to see Gabby again. She was the one I liked but I wanted to be with Wolfie. I do like Gabby tho. But I like Wolfie more. You know what I'm going to tell Wolfie how I feel".

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