Part 29

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I really miss the gang and Wolfie. She must be still upset because of this. But it was the only way for them not to abuse Wolfie's powers. I woke up and sat on my bed and thinking about what happened yesterday. Me seeing Fang's body like that just still haunting me. Then the door opened to see Ace." What the heck do you want now?" I said." Come down you pup, I came here to get you into the training room with the other soldiers in training". Ace said." Fine". I said and got up and walk in front of Ace. We both walk to the training room to see everyone in there." Great, you brought him". Daniel said." Blaze I want you to fight first". He said." Who exactly?" I said." Me freak". A voice said behind me. I turned around to see the guy that was talking trash about me yesterday." Why you? From the looks from yesterday, you were pretty scared of me". I said and I smirked at him." That was one time". He said." Blaze that's Wilson. He's our strong soldier here". Daniel said." He doesn't look strong to me". I said and everyone gasp." We'll see about that Blaze. Get your butt in the ring now!" Wilson said and I rolled my eyes and got on the ring and so did he." No rules ok?" Daniel said and we both nodded." Ok... FIGHT!" Daniel and Wilson started to attack. He threw some punches and kicks but I douge them and then I threw punches and hit him in the face and chest. Then he tried to kick me in the face but I grab his foot and flipped him to the floor. I got up and punched me in the face. Then I kneed him in the stomach which made him stop completely." You lost. Give. Up". I said and he didn't say a thing. I turn to face Daniel and him and his soldiers were terrified and shocked." Looks like I'm done here". I said and got off the ring." You just won to my perfect fighter". Daniel said." I would say I wiped the floor with him". I said and sat down behind him." Blaze you weren't supposed to win". Ace said." Well I did and what are you going to do about?" I said and he didn't say a word." That's what I thought". I said." Don't talk to me. I don't want to talk to a wolf that was my use to friend". I said and he slapped me across the face which made my mouth bleed." Don't talk to me like that you pup". He said." I didn't want you here but no you had to have that power". He said." Well then I should be a master then if I have this power". I said and then Daniel got between to make us stop fighting." That's enough you two. Guards take Blaze back to his room". Daniel said. And I was grabbed by the guards and they took me back to my room.

I'd made a big decision of leaving the group to find Blaze but it was my decision to leave. I bet they are mad at me for leaving especially Evan. He had the saddest look on his face. But that didn't stop me. Family comes before friends. I was walking around a alley way to see if any of the Royals soldiers make a strike. I saw nothing but people walking around then I felt two hands on my shoulders and it pulled me to the wall." Give me all your money now!" The guy said." I don't have anything". I said." Lier!" He said and punched me to the ground and my mouth started to bleed." I don't have any money". I said and started to crush my foot and cutting my stomach. I started to scream in pain and I was losing blood. My vision was getting blurry but I saw someone attack the guy and killed him. Then I felt the two arms picking me up and then I blacked out. A few minutes later, I woke up on a bed and with bandages round my stomach." Hopefully the girl is ok". A voice said outside the door." Yeah we will need to see if she is". Another voice said and the door open to see two guys with black wolf ears. One had black hair with red on top and the other one was brown haired but with green on top." Oh your wake". The red one said." Yeah I am". I said and tried to get up but failed but they both got me before I hit on the floor." Woah there, you can't get up yet because of your injury. At least we got you before you hit the floor". The green one said and they put me back on the bed." Thank you". I said." No prob". They both said." You guys are wolves?" I said." Yep and please don't judge us". The red one said." No I wouldn't do that because-". I said and I put my hood down to show my wolf ears." I'm a wolf too". I said and they looked shocked." Your a wolf hybrid too?" They both said and I nodded." Well great, I'm Jack and this is Mark". Jack said.
( Yay Revel Mode is in this and more people. But some of these other characters don't play GTA 5 so just roll with it)
" I'm Wolfie". I said." Well we have more people you should meet and they are wolf hybrids too". Mark said." Ok". I said." We'll help you up so you can meet the others". Jack said and him and Mark help me up we all got out of the room to outside where there was a bunch of wolf hybrids. Then they put me on a bench. Then Jack went over to a group." There's a lot wolves here". I said." Yep, we are some rebel wolves that don't listen to our leaders". Mark said. Then Jack and some group of wolves came over to us." Guys this is Wolfie. Wolfie is this Brooke, Ken, Felix, Emma, Jelly, and Jordi". Jack said." Hi". I said." And together we are called Revel Mode". Felix said." Cool name". I said and they nodded." They're are some other wolves but they'll come to you eventually". Mark said." Oh here come some". Jack said and a group of wolves came to us. One had black and blonde hair with black ears, other one with black and blue hair and black ears, the third one had black and purple hair with black ears, and the fourth one was actually a girl and she had pink hair and blonde ears." Hello Chris". Jack said." Yo my man Jack". He said and they fist bump." This is Wolfie". He said and him and his friends looked at me." Well as you heard I'm Chris and this is my group". Chris said." Hi I'm Ashley". The girl wolf said." I'm Carflo". The blue haired one said." And I'm Garlian. The greatest wolf you'll ever meet". The purple haired one said." Shut up Garlian". Ashley said." Whatever Ash". Garlian said." How is your stomach?" Ken said." It's fine". I said." That's good. The guy that did that to you didn't cut you too deep". Jack said." You'll be fine until it heals". Mark said." Thank you". I said." Hey we help a wolf in hand". Jack said." Well I can't let this injury stop me for what I'm doing". I said and got myself up from the seat." Wolfie your in a serious injury. You shouldn't walk on it. What are you even talking about?" Carflo said." I looking for my brother". I said." Your brother?" Jack said and I nodded." My brother was taken by a enemy of me and a gang I'm in". I said." Your in a gang? But why would another gang take your brother?" Mark said." Something to do with a special power he has". I said and their eyes widen." Your brother those powers?" Jack said." I don't know but he says he does".I said." Does he have different colored eyes?" Jordi said." No he has only had blue eyes". I said." What about you?" Felix said. I uncovered my left eyes and their eyes widen." Oh My God". Ken said." W-Wolfie. I think your the one with the powers". Mark said.

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