Part 32

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I was in the training room still, fighting with other soldiers. These guys are weak as heck." Ok stop". Daniel said. Me and my opponent stopped and got off the ring." Blaze, your being bad. I don't want a rebellious person in my group". He said." Then you'll have to suck it up and deal with it". I said. He smirked then got Ace to punch me." You should be more respectful to your new leader". Ace said." I'll never be respected to either of you. You first took me away from my sister and so call friends, then you killed my best friend. I hate both of you with all my heart". I said." You'll have to suck it up and deal with it". Ace mimicking what I said." Take him to his room". Daniel said and two guy grabbed my arms and took me back to my room. Once we got to my room, they push me in there and locked the door." Man, I freaking hate those two". I said." I hope the guys have a plan to help me". I thought. I suddenly felt something on my stomach and I pulled up my shirt to see a marking of a lightning. I remember that it was my symbol that I painted on Fang's stomach." I miss you Fang". I mumbled. I laid down on my bed and put the pillow on my head. Without me realizing I was crying from thinking of Wolfie and the guys. Then I suddenly fell asleep.
I woke up to see myself in a dark room.
I walked around and it was all dark and there was nothing in the room." Hello Blaze". A voice said." Who said that?" I said." I did". The voice said." Yeah but who are you?" I said raising an eyebrow and a purple, black and white wolf with red and black eyes." I'm you". He said and my eyes widen." You look nothing like me. You have purple, black and white hair and fur and I have white hair and fur." Yes but soon you'll have this hair and fur". He said." Ok why?" I said." Because I or we became a shadow wolf. We get super powers just like Wolfie". He said." Why are you telling me this?" I said." Well I've been watching you and seen that idiot Ace ruin you". He said." And?" I said." I also seen what Wolfie's been up to and she found some wolves". He said." What? Really? But what about the guys?" I said." Well let's just say that their really upset". He said." Why?" I said." Well Wolfie ran off". He said." No. You can't be serious. Wolfie can never do that. She's smart that it's bad to run off". I said." Well she did. It was because she wanted to find us. She was really devastated that she left the gang and ran off. The guys are really worried and scared about her. But you know her, she's a brave girl". He said." How could she do that?" I thought." Well what does Wolfie have to do with anything?" I said." No. The only thing I should warn you is Ace and Daniel. I soon as they realized you don't have the powers they seek, they will kill you". He said." When will that be?" I said." There is going to be a battle coming in one month. I can't tell you what happens in the battle". He said." Fine but will it be bad?" I said." I can't answer that either". He said." You'll soon find out in one month". He said and I nodded." It's time for you to wake up. Goodbye". He said." Bye me". I said and everything started to get blurry.
I woke up to see it was dark. I looked at the clock to see it was 1:30 in the morning. I put my pillow back where it was and laid my head down on it." In one month". I said. Oh God I hope nothing bad happens. Oh of course something bad will happen. It's a battle for crying out loud. I looked up at the ceiling while putting my fingers through my hair. Man I'm gonna be scared as heck when this happens.

It's the next day and I'm with Jack talking about things." So what do you suppose we could do?" I said." We could anyways use our claws or we have some cool weapons no human has". Jack said." What kind of weapons?" I said. Then he pulled out a pen and show it to me." A pen?" I said." It's a special pen. It could transform into any weapon you want. But it's a laser weapon. I'll demonstrate". He said and press the click of the pen and it became a shot gun." Woah!" I said and he nodded then he made it go back to a pen and put it back in his pocket. Then Mark came into view with something in his hand." Hey guys". He said." Hey Mark". I said." Here Wolfie". He said and handed me a watch." A watch?" I said and grabbed." It a multi-functional watch that can make us talk to each other like face chat". He said and I put it on." Cool". I said." Now if we are gonna fight some humans, we're gonna have to find their headquarters and make a plan". Mark said." We'll I have Minx and her crew doing that". Jack said." Who's Minx?" I said." Minx and her crew is another group of wolves we have. Tho they have live some place else". Mark said. "I see. Honestly, you guys have a lot of good things here. If I would have tell my leader, he'll probably put you guys as allies". I said." Yeah but we wouldn't know for sure". Mark said. Then the door swung open then closed." YO ANYONE HOME?!" Someone said." We're in here!" Mark said. Then it reveal a black guy wearing glasses and has black wolf ears and tail." Hey Berleezy". Jack said." What's good boys?!" He said then he looked at me." Who's that cutie there?" He said and I blushed." Hands off Berl, we are trying to help her on something". Mark said." Well I'm Berleezy and you are?" He said." Wolfie". I said." Nice to meet you girl". He said. Man they sure know a lot of people that are wolf hybrids.

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