Part 27

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I got to the Royals hideout and there was a lot of people there. I got out of the car with the leader and some guards and we went inside. Then out of nowhere I was being choked by a women." You have a lot of nerve coming here". She said." Rose let him go. He's in our side". Daniel said. She let go of me and I fell to the ground coughing." Now what's your name boy?". He asked me." The names Blaze". I said."Now let's get you to your room you'll be staying in". He said and guards grabbed me by the arms and walked me to a room full of soldiers in training." Your room will be here for now. Your actual room is still needed to be cleaned". He said and open the door to the room. All of the soldiers in training looked at us and Daniel started to speak." Everyone this is our new recruit Blaze. If you have a problem, face it with him." He said and left the room while they all looked at me." So your the new recruit. Well you'll have a bad time here". One guy said and I rolled my eyes." Is that so. Let me warn you. I'm not that person you would want to mess with". I said." Sure you are. You should be afraid. I'm the strongest person here. So don't act like your better". He said which got me mad." I'd watch it before I put your brain to sleep". I said and I growled at him." What are you a freak?" He said and I smirked." No but I am wolf". I said putting my hoodie down and showing my wolf ears and taking my mask off. They were all scared and I changed my eyes to red." I'd would watch your back if I were you". I said going to the bed I'm sleeping on and changing my eyes back to my blue colored eyes." Lights out men". A guard said and we all got to bed and I fell asleep.
Midnight comes by...
I was woken by a guard to get me and I got up and was taken to a room and was pushed in." Well if it isn't my old friend". A mysterious guy said in front of me." Who are you?" I said getting up." Well you should remember me. Even though you killed my brother". He said and he came out of the shadows and faced me. Then I recognize him and his voice." A-A-Ace". I said." Yeah the right it's me Ace". He said." I thought we were friends." I said looking angry." Friends? Why would I be friends with my brother's murderer". He said." Don't you remember. The wolf that was dating your little sister". He said. Then I remembered who he was talking about." Your brother was a monster. He almost killed Wolfie. And yet you would be on his side". I said." Wolfie was a weakling. She couldn't defend herself, she was too nice and she was stupid little mutt as well". He said. My blood was starting to boil and my eyes turned red." Don't you dare call Wolfie stupid". I said." Or what? You gonna snap my neck as well. Please, I had some fighting experience and I gotten stronger than ever. Everyone in that pack was furious and they all turned against you and Wolfie". He said." But we have only one wolf that isn't against us". I said." Oh yeah, that Fang wolf. Well you'll never see him again". He said. I froze then looked at Ace angrily." You did something to him didn't you?" I said." See for yourself. But I'm going to go because I need my sleep for tomorrow". He said walking away and leaving the room. I watched him leave the room and saw a body that I thought I would never see. It was Fang covered with cuts, bruises, and stab wounds. I walked to him terrified and looked at his cold pale face. I started to cry on his body and my face was getting covered with his blood." you can't do this to me....". I said still crying." What about Gabby? She will start to worry about you. And Wolfie if she finds out, she'll be more upset than she already is". I said. I was so upset to see this and I stepped away still covered with blood. Then I found a knife that had his blood on it so I grabbed it." This is for you Fang". I said and cut my wrist. Blood was dripping off my wrist so I put my hand under my wrist so the blood will get on my hand. Then I walked back to Fang's dead body and started to paint a symbol of me with my blood and put it on the clean spot of his stomach." Rest In Peace Fang". I whisper to his ear and walked away. Then a guard came in and took me to my actual room. I was in my actual room and I was trying to hold in tears but I couldn't and I was still bleeding from my wrist so I went to the bathroom and clean it. Once I was done, I got on my bed and went to sleep.

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