Part 3

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I woke up being in a room and was tied up in a chair. When I looked to my left, I saw Wolfie still unconscious and had some cuts on her face."Wolfie can you hear me?". I said. Once I said that she woke surprise and then looked at me."Blaze where are we?". She said looking scared as ever." I don't know but I want to get out of here". We both sat in silence until Wolfie broke it." How did you get captured?". She asked and I sighed." One of them jumped on me and tackled me to the ground". "What about you?". I asked." I actually  almost escape because on top of a pawn shop until one of them found me on top, but it turn...strange. She said." Why was it strange?"I asked."Well one of them ask for my name and I got down to tell them but turn into a argument with one of them and the one with the owl mask knock me out". She said and I was amazed of what I heard." Well that must have been hard on you wasn't it?" I asked and she nodded. But until we stop talking, we heard the door open and two guys came and close the door. One was wearing business clothes and yellow flip flops and the other one was wear black sweats, white t-shirt and a red hoodie. Me and Wolfie both look at them and growled."Woah, we only came to check if you two were awake". The red hoodie guy said and the business guy nodded."Well since you two are awake, we have to bring you to our boss". He said and I gave them a mad look but they didn't care. So they untied us but they had to hold of our arm back. Once we got to a big area where all the people were at, it all of a sudden got quiet and everyone was looking at us."Finally they woke up and we need to tell Vanoss". Said a guy in a pig mask."They're awake?" A voice said."I recognized that voice". Wolfie said quietly. Then the owl mask man or Vanoss came out from a nearby door." "YOU!" I yelled out and try to break free from the red hoodie's arms. Soon I got tired and I stopped." Cartoonz, Mini you can let them go now". He said and they both let go of me and Wolfie." What on earth do you want?"."I'm pretty sure you got the money back"."What more do you want?" I said with a angry tone."What I want is your help". He said." Our help?" I said." Yes it's seems that you two are skilled people and how I saw your little sister climb that pawn shop was very impressive". He said and I got a little angry and confused." I wouldn't join the likes of you people". I said and grab Wolfie and took out running in until someone that was really tall grab our arms and pined us down and drags us back to Vanoss."Nice work Nogla".He said and Wolfie looked at me."You and your stupid ideas". She said and I got mad but for some reason some of the men started to giggle at what Wolfie said including the owl mask man." Now tell me good reasons why you don't want to join us". He said."Ok, you guys are strangers, I don't want to be bossed around, and your a waist of space". I said with a angry tone." If you weren't so selfish, I wouldn't have done that"." But to be honest, I would have if you guys were in that bank"." That why I don't pay attention to people like you". I said and walk over to Vanoss's face." Because you humans are not worth my time. All you guys are to me is just some weak. little. people. And compare to us, we are stronger than you think and we aren't afraid to kill someone that's in our way. That's mean you guys for bring us here for no good freaking reason". I said and walk back." Why you little-". Someone said and started to tackle me"."What the heck?!" I said and was being choked."Listen here, don't you dare talk to him like that"." Got it?" He said." Let him go!" Wolfie cried and Vanoss told him to stop. He let go and I was coughing really hard." Nice speech but you still don't scare me. And I know we certainly won't get along. So what will it be, join us or not". Vanoss said"."What if we said no?" Wolfie said." Then we will kill you". Vanoss said. Me and Wolfie looked at each other and look back." I'm in". Wolfie said. " Wolfie! Are you insane?! After they did that to you?! Look at your face!" I said and looked at her angrily." I'm sorry". She said."Well at least the girl made a good decision". Vanoss said."Wolfie come over and stand next to me".Vanoss said and she walked over to him. "Blaze it's either you join or they will kill you and you and I both know that we don't want that to happened". Wolfie said and I sighed." Fine! I'm in". I said and Vanoss slightly nodded."Good, but before you go I want to see your face". We both looked at each other and we took our masks off and we put out hoods on. The weird part is that when we took our hoods down and the Vanoss wasn't really surprised but when the other men looked at Wolfie they just stared."Just as I suspected you two are part wolf". Vanoss said."Ok Cartoonz and Mini take them to their room". Vanoss said and they did. Once we got there, there was two beds for us. The door closed and we just settled down until one person came to our room. It was the same guy with the business clothing."Uh hey". He said." What do you want?" I said and Wolfie gave me a disgusted look." Don't be rude Blaze." Wolfie said. "Anyways Vanoss said you two will be training tomorrow morning"."Ok thanks for telling us uhh...". Wolfie said." I'm Mini"." Ok thanks Mini". Then Mini left the room." Wolfie can I ask you something". Blaze said." Yeah Blaze ask away". Wolfie said."How do you trust these guys?"" I mean they hurt you""I don't understand how you trust them". I said." Well you know me Blaze I would trust anyone but I think these guys are going to be ok with us". Wolfie said." Well get some rest because we are going to have a tired day tomorrow". I said and she nodded and we both went to sleep.

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